You have been familiar with the learning environment in your middle school, and it feels like home.
Your house is set up pretty much how you want it - there might not be loads of space, but it feels like home.
I love the island because I spent a lot of time there when I was growing up, so I know a lot of people and it feels like home.
It feels like home now but, prior to becoming a scholar, I'd never been here before I came in for my first day, so it was really exciting to see how big the training ground is.
She knows what the night holds for her, because she has been touchedby its evil, and even now she feels it seeping like vapor through the walls ofher home.
I could choose to go back to a job outside of the home and earn a fairly good income, but I choose to stay home because it just feels like the right thing to do... for me.
'Now that I have unpacked all my books, it really feels like home.'
The physios, fitness staff, everyone at Arsenal have worked wonders with me, and it feels like coming home really.
So when the World Cup comes back to Brazil after 64 years, it feels like football has returned home.
So when the World Cup comes back to Brazil after 64 years, it feels like football has returned home.