It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.
For millions of Arabs it goes without saying that the faith should have the main or even final say in the ordering of society.
It goes without saying that even those in the toughest circumstances have choices.
This can present certain social concerns, and while it is important to let the child explore his new environment, it goes without saying that appropriate social behaviors must be taught.
Now it goes without saying that we all know what virginity is.
It goes without saying, that the game itself is the main content — the reason the gamer comes to your site.
It goes without saying that the fields that are being used to locate correlators must be defined within each abstract WSDL message definition as formal message parts.
Of course, it goes without saying that Amazon reserves the right tomodify the agreement at any time.
It goes without saying that leaving comments at other blogs is one way to get your name out there but only if it is done correctly.
It goes without saying that my life and my family's lives are changed forever.
It goes without saying that being comfortable in your jeans is the most important thing; after all, even the best-looking pair of jeans will look odd if you're uncomfortable in them.
It goes without saying that you can not drink alcohol while driving.
It goes without saying that the Chinese people around the world are exhilarated and proud to hear the good news.
It goes without saying that adversity is the touchstone of man-the harder the situation is, the more clearly a man's strength is seen.
It goes without saying that the data on these partitions will be destroyed.
It goes without saying that being honest is of great benefit to both the community and individuals. There is no doubt that we should foster the spirit of honesty.
Whatever you're wearing, it goes without saying that it needs to be clean.
It goes without saying that this file is created only when the source code of the filedep file is parsed to generate a dynamic assembly.
It goes without saying that I spend an inordinate (and sometimes ungodly) amount of time online, reading and consuming content.
In RUP it goes without saying that UML provides the foundation for these techniques.
It goes without saying that this judgment will be regarded as a controversial one.
Because installation is your introduction to any new technology, it goes without saying that installing Tapestry is very easy.
It goes without saying that when summer reared its cheerful face into my cruel childhood, I was that unfortunate-looking child wading in the swimming pool with an oversized T-shirt on.
We feel lied to and it goes without saying that we're nervous and upset. The main concern is for the retirees – they're the most vulnerable part of this situation.
If you're using a Mac or Windows, it goes without saying that you are intimately familiar with crashes and downtime.
If you're using a Mac or Windows, it goes without saying that you are intimately familiar with crashes and downtime.