Payment is a form of applause; all the more convincing because it is costly.
That also means, however, that it is costly for others to replicate or invade.
Of course, it is costly to revise important architectural decisions again and again.
With their extravagance and complexity, it is costly to build ancient buildings on a large scale.
But the process is not particularly productive, given the present output of solar panels, and it is costly.
HMF can be converted into plastics, diesel-fuel additive, or even diesel fuel itself, but is seldom used because it is costly to make.
The craft of the merchant is bringing a thing where it abounds to where it is costly — Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, philosopher.
商人的诡计就是把某件东西从盛产之地带到价格高的地方- - -拉尔夫·瓦尔多·埃莫森,美国论文作家、哲学家。
These are sports that few in China can take part in as it is costly and most of the Chinese population lives in places where there is little snow.
Yes, it is costly, but whether you gofor violet, blue, black, green or the ethereal translucent white, you can be pretty sure that none of your neighbours will relax like you do.
Dr Miller starts with the observations that music is a human universal, that it is costly in terms of time and energy to produce, and that it is, at least in some sense, under genetic control.
Nuclear energy is less polluting than gas from a climate-changing perspective, but it is costly and viewed skeptically in the United States because of the dangers of disposing of radioactive waste.
This is a costly prescribing error, and it is deadly.
It is a serious matter to shoot a working elephant — it is comparable to destroying a huge and costly piece of machinery — and obviously one ought not to do it if it can possibly be avoided.
Because it is so costly to lay off workers, businesses are reluctant to hire them in the first place.
Indeed, the sorry history of Attlee's experiment illustrates just how costly it is to put private enterprise in public hands.
Because session creation is costly, in terms of performance, it is a good strategy to reuse the session object whenever possible.
Sure, the PS3 is a costly game platform, but it can do far more than play games.
当然,PS 3作为一种游戏平台是昂贵的,但是它所能做的远不止是玩游戏。
Since this low level integration is complex, it is likely that this solution is more costly and time consuming to implement than an equivalent level 5 solution.
由于这个低层集成很复杂,所以很有可能该解决方案实现起来要比一个对等的级别5 解决方案更为昂贵和耗时。
However, opening connections to these systems is costly because it consumes a lot of process resources and can prove to be a serious deterrent to performance.
On the other hand, decomposition of XML data into relational columns is a complex and costly process, and it removes the self-descriptive semantic information within the XML.
The use of XML namespaces in general XML documents is not a best practice — in fact, it is a very costly practice.
It is also less costly to try a number of alternatives before making a final decision.
Not only would it be too costly, but Dewey is useful.
A chocolate factory is an illiquid asset: disposing of it is time-consuming and costly.
It should have taught us that preventing problems is easier, and certainly less costly, than dealing with them when they become virtually intractable.
Most military analysts say it is unlikely that Israel would embark on a costly full reoccupation of Gaza and not enough troops are in position for that.
But since cobalt oxide is so reactive and costly, most experts deem it unsuitable for widespread use in hybrid or electric vehicles.
But since cobalt oxide is so reactive and costly, most experts deem it unsuitable for widespread use in hybrid or electric vehicles.