It is difficult to find a reinforced measure for swelling rock slope due to its complex.
These things help them save energy during long winters when it is difficult to find food.
It is difficult to find the causes of failure for the mechanical fault maintenance of CNC machine.
It is difficult to find any common ground, even when-as has just happened-an honest attempt is made.
But no reality shows push the less dramatic method, and it is difficult to find clinicians who use it.
Near the planting of open space has been rarely met, it is difficult to find suitable Zhuangpen soil.
It is difficult to find a way to make the United States realize its error without aggravating relations.
It is difficult to find the world such as Hawaii, a full physical and psychological environment to relax.
An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.
But, in a scenario where there is not a moment to spare, it is difficult to find time-effective ways to unwind.
But it is difficult to find and obviate the faults timely only by manpower due to the complicacy of the equipment.
No knowledge is useless, but it is difficult to find a branch of learning that can synthesize all useful knowledge.
Because of the huge plant genome, it is difficult to find out the target genes under the unclear genetic background.
However, with the information explosion growth, it is difficult to find out useful information in the shortest time.
It is difficult to find out and erase failures of computer numerical control machine due to its complicated structure.
With our busy schedules, it is difficult to find sufficient time to spend with one another in meaningful conversation.
Unlike most cities in Europe and North America, it is difficult to find one Chinese restaurant on the streets of São Paulo.
For a cyclic code, it is difficult to find the set of it's covering polynomials. We have not had a systematic method to find it.
It involves a study of the human heart which leads us through devious mazes of passion, out of which it is difficult to find our way.
This is the root cause of a devastating fire, with the existing ordinary methods, it is difficult to find these hidden signs of fire.
He is abject. He is not honest. You can talk with him about this matter. But you cannot quit. At present it is difficult to find a job.
Three-dimensional component packing is a combinatorial optimization and NP-complete problem. It is difficult to find its exact global optimum.
It is difficult to find a decent upload control that handles large files, shows a progress bar, and still works in a medium-trust hosting environment.
And sometimes, it is difficult to find a recognizable ancestor of the test object, so the search has to begin from the top-level object, such as a window.
In recent years, subtle pools exploration has become more and more important in the petroleum exploration in China, however it is difficult to find them.
Writer Chi Li rarely visits bookshops anymore and instead buys online as she believes it is difficult to find what she calls "real" books on shop shelves.
Writer Chi Li rarely visits bookshops anymore and instead buys online as she believes it is difficult to find what she calls "real" books on shop shelves.