Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel comes about.
But it is hard to tell which Banks are long Greek debt and which are shorting it.
Many of them have long hair, so it is hard to tell whether they are boys or girls.
Every time when we share our dreams, it is hard to tell how grateful I felt to God.
But sometimes, I find it is hard to tell others when I don? T like what they are doing.
But sometimes, I find it is hard to tell others when I don't like what they are doing.
It is hard to tell whether a strike has been successful, or indeed has happened at all.
But sometimes, I find it is hard to tell others when I do not like what they are doing.
It is hard to tell whether the students have been "transformed", as their tutors' jargon goes.
Swathes of the country still lack broadband access, though it is hard to tell how far they extend.
It is hard to tell whether my superiority is because of my genes or because of the lessons I learned as a child.
It is hard to tell whether the paper bags are authentic from the photos on the websites, but most are imitations.
However, I think it is hard to tell at the moment because not enough people have tried the test-driven development approach.
As the subprime crisis showed this year, it is hard to tell which Banks and investors are at risk until the bad news comes out.
Also, since it is regulated lightly or not at all, it is hard to tell whether children being taught at home are receiving an adequate education.
I never tell that in front of you for it is hard to tell. I did not tell my affection from the beginning up to now, for I love you, it is deeply engraved on my mind .
"It is hard to tell if a woman is pregnant, and give up a seat, when she doesn't have a baby bump," said Lee Gyeong-eon, a 23-year-old college student who frequently travels by subway.
“孕妇没有显怀时,人们很难辨别她是否怀孕,因此也难以决定是否应该让座,”一名经常乘坐地铁的23岁大学生LeeGyeong - eon说道。
On the other hand, since the goods are only presented by the pictures and descriptions, it is hard to tell its reality, so you might have bought something you don't like, or even the fake one.
It is hard to believe that years ago, somebody else would just put her on medication (药物治疗) and tell her to calm down.
It will not be hard to implement these keyboard features, but it is difficult to tell screen readers the attributes of this widget.
I can tell you from personal experience — trying to get an electric utility where I owned one share not to flood a valley in the Virginia mountains — exactly how hard it is.
Talk to those working at any Silicon Valley company, and they will tell you how hard it is to find qualified talent.
It's hard to imagine programming languages without these characteristics because imperative languages' "tell me how to do it" approach is so firmly entrenched in our everyday programming philosophies.
At the moment, it is hard for doctors to tell which young women may be headed for early menopause.
For large business objects, a map quickly becomes very complex, making it hard to tell which attribute is mapped to which.
For large business objects, a map quickly becomes very complex, making it hard to tell which attribute is mapped to which.