It is hoped that Chinese education will be able to integrate with the international educational community soon.
The artistic gardens are just the beginning in garden shows. It is hoped that Chinese exhibition gardens would make a great achievement in the future.
It is hoped that Saudi Arabian business people will seize opportunities to expand cooperation with Chinese enterprises and play a bigger role for advancing bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
It is hoped that Pakistan will take strong measures to ensure the safety of life and property of Chinese personnel.
It is hoped that the research of this works can offer certain enlightenment for composing and playing Chinese piano musical works.
It is hoped that this study will expand Critical Metaphor Analysis into Chinese talk shows.
Finally, it is hoped that this paper can help people learn more about English and Chinese euphemism and western and Chinese culture.
It is sincerely hoped that this thesis can serve as a bridge between the gap of Chinese and Western literary thought through the study of image.
It is hoped that this paper might contribute to the development of mentoring program in Chinese enterprises and help to improve the practical work.
It is hoped that this thesis can provide a new perspective to the translation of classical Chinese poetry and broaden the scope of its criticism.
It is hoped that this thesis can provide a new perspective to the translation of classical Chinese poetry and broaden the scope of its criticism.