The smallest 1.4 litre 70bhp unit is more fun than it sounds on paper.
Couples start living together because it is more fun (and cheaper) than living apart.
It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"
"It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?""
If it has its own IP address, we can use the access point itself over the network; this is less secure, but more fun to use for a demo.
Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew.
However, it is more interesting and fun studying with digital textbooks, which has augmentation contents and videos.
However, if it has its own IP address, we can use the access point itself over the network; this is less secure, but more fun to use for a demo.
It is an attempt to provide tools and frameworks that make development world more enjoyable, fun and productive.
Because this new software is simple and fun, people are becoming attached to it and are willing to spend more time with it and, ultimately, to understand it well.
This may seem more difficult (it is, don't worry) but by the same reasons more fun.
Is it because you heard blondes have more fun and you're bored, or maybe you spotted your spouse eyeballing up a blonde bimbo? Either way, have fun with it!
LONDON: Believe it or not, the average 50-year-old is having more fun than those half their age.
It always seemed a little unnatural to me, and when it came time to write a single-author paper (which I tend not to do, since collaborating is much more fun) I went with the first-person singular.
This tip is all about discovering your preferred learning style and leveraging it to make learning more fun and more effective.
It is this exclusivity that gives ammunition to those who decry the sport, believing it to be no more than rich people killing rare birds for fun.
One thing is certain: When I'm an old man, I'll look back fondly on this episode, knowing that I opened a few more eyes to history and had a lot of fun doing it.
It looks like an old CRT television turning off, which is significantly more fun than the screen simply cutting to black.
Technology is changing the field very quickly, becoming easier for 'regular people' to use, and more importantly, providing a fun factor to go with it.
Working out with a group is more fun than going it alone, and it also gives you the motivation you need to stick to your plan.
For a little more fun, let's see how easy it is to build a full-fledged GUI with Builders.
The next phase of e-commerce is about recreational shopping, and as a result, it needs to be a more fun and social experience.
For shear fun we may do much more than is needed to produce the originally envisioned product; and the product, as a result, may be far better. It may even become an artistic creation.
While it might make us feel superior to think that other cultures are constantly torturing animals for fun, and xenophobia can help kill a boring afternoon, the truth is a lot more... well... boring.
For the end user, the Asurion address book is more than just a fun way to see a contact's social information - it also lets you return a phone call via email, IM, or even a status update.
It takes about the same time and is much more fun (although, like cigarettes, it can get addictive).
It is also fun to get more than one because they come in so many different colors and prints.
I tend to enjoy tournaments more when my whole team is with me: we have a lot of fun and it helps me relax and actually not think so much about tennis.
I tend to enjoy tournaments more when my whole team is with me: we have a lot of fun and it helps me relax and actually not think so much about tennis.