It is required that the control rules be self-regulated.
It is required that the right of privacy be protected by the law in a civilized society.
It is required that accurate tooth coping be completed for the gear shaver within twice clamps.
Therefore, it is required that your firm take this responsibility to solve the said claim problem.
Before invoking a web service, it is required that the client application initialize the SandeshaContext.
It is required that the enterprise management should convert to integrated and elaborate management.
It is required that you should make the right direction and choose the appropriate path, and keep aware of your footstep.
With the conversion of nursing mode, it is required that the head nurses should change the ideas of nursing management correspondingly.
For the installation of equipments, it is required that the base of the equipment must be contacted tightly and neatly with the foundation.
It is required that we should pay attention to the similar problem. It is recommended the strong point of the whole braking system constructed.
The management of the enterprise is based on the enterprise information system (EIS), so it is required that the EIS should have high flexibility.
Meanwhile, it is required that the free-form surface modeling must be able to change the freedom of local and meet all kinds of design requirements.
With the larger scale and hotter competition of enterprises, it is required that enterprise management should convert to integrated and elaborate management.
This is very useful to a shape analysis and recognition. However, it is required that every level shape of image must be faithful to the shape of the original picture.
Under special circumstance, it is required that the sensor, protective layer of lead wire and the variable conveyor casing shall be electrically insulated from the ground.
Meanwhile, it is required that communication protocols should be able to reduce the load of backbone network, improve throughput and handle network congestion efficiently.
For simulating the movements of various ship types, it is required that the inertia moment, damping moment and wave interference moment of simulation stand can be adjusted.
Taking Minutes at a Meeting: Many jobs involve attending meetings, at least occasionally. Often it is required that written records, called minutes, be kept of these meetings.
For this reason it is required that specification be revised on Cu-Co-Be mould covers in the purchase order and the structure design of the mould inlet be modified accordingly.
It is required that BS700MC has not only high strength but also good formability, shock resistance and weldability and that the rolling loads are not high in the production line.
合理的成分是保证BS 700 MC性能的基础。BS 700 MC既要求高的强度,又要求具有良好的成形性能、低温冲击性能和焊接性能,同时还要考虑批量生产时的轧机负荷问题。
It is required that the meanings of lexicon be fully analyzed and, if possible, be decomposed in nearly primitive, so that the semantics of language can be computable in a formal way.
With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, it is required that enterprises must have a high degree of adaptability and innovation to survive in the changing economic environment.
In the classic solution of wave equation, it is required that the initial and boundary conditions should be smooth enough and any discontinuities are not allowed in medium coefficients.
Good quality of the water sources is essential to WS, especially, the sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation. It is required that the irrigation water contains no or little sediment.
For example if it is required that an analyte be assayed at the level of 0.1 mg per tablet it should be demonstrated that the procedure will reliably quantitate the analyte at that level.
To cope with the time varying and Doppler broadened clutter in airborne phased array radars, it is required that the signal processing be adaptive and two dimensional (spatial and temporal).
It is sometimes required that we work overtime and that we change shifts four or five times a month.
It is sometimes required that we work overtime and that we change shifts four or five times a month.