It is too bad that some rich people always try to get out of paying taxes.
Nelly: it is too bad that it didn't win the prize at the Venice International Film Festival.
It is too bad that you don't have work authorization as we were interested in your qualifications. Should your status change, please feel free to send us updated information.
This part is the thing that you always hide from others, even from your family maybe; that's why it sounds like a bad idea to share this too.
That is not too bad by rich-world standards, but the trend is downwards, and if it drops much further GDP will turn negative because of the country’s demographic drag.
The standard normative judgment is backwards: it is the boom that is "bad, " and thus should be prevented or halted before it proceeds too far.
The moral of the story is that if your family resolutely refuses wholemeal, you can stop feeling bad about opting for the “refined” version of the staff of life, because it has nutritional merits too.
The truth is that our mind is actually rationalizing why we should just eat that cake, why it's too hard to not eat it, why it isn't that bad to eat it.
The machismo of demonstrating that you can work 22 hours a day is all too prevalent. And it leads to bad decisions by exhausted men and women.
It is not just all good things that come to an end. Some bad ones do too.
The opposite is just as bad -- using no encryption whatsoever -- because however convenient that may be for you, it's also terribly convenient for someone else to get to it, too.
Activation is a bad idea too, unless you commit to ensure that you release a freely distributable final version that doesn't require it when you end-of-life the product.
It is too difficult for most people (even bad-ass warrior types) to separate their biases and personal filters from data such that they can see it clearly.
Their efforts may be insufficient, but various lines of evidence suggest that any errors it is inserting are not too bad.
It's too bad that the toolbar is broken because it has a couple of features that look like they might be interesting to try.
Too bad, though, as it is the only thing that stops me buying an iPad for my parents, whom I talk to on Skype.
I don't like it here for the simple reason that the traffic is too bad.
One reason not to feel too guilty about your bad password behaviour is that it seems to be almost universal.
I don't like it here, for the simple reason that the traffic is too bad.
Others say it is too soon to declare the bear market over, and the financial crisis and the recession are so bad that more declines are likely.
If you use a prediction model which is too powerful you run into the risk of over-fitting your model with the effect that it generalizes bad on new data.
First, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up.
But, um, I would say that fast food itself isn't always bad for you, but too much of it is not good.
Well, Jack treated me with the "Spicy Chicken" burger. Taste not that bad. Can be better. But surprisingly the fries were great. Or is it because I was too long never eat fries?
Well, Jack treated me with the "Spicy Chicken" burger. Taste not that bad. Can be better. But surprisingly the fries were great. Or is it because I was too long never eat fries?