"That is all very well," said he, "but still I do not know what it is to shudder!"
Student: But you could very easily supply context that it was an argument Prof: Well, as I said you can supply context in the case anything is an argument.
"Gold really didn't do that well - it had an initial pop but it really didn't provide the hedge... I wish I could tell you categorically that gold is a hedge," he said.
Wiley Reed, 31, an aircraft components technician, said: 'We are a very close family, and I think it is that that is helping us through this as well.
She said: "The declining figures are no doubt partly due to the perception that wives do really rather too well in divorce, and that it is a long and stressful procedure.
"Clearly it needs to be replicated, as does any study that breaks new ground, but the study itself is very well done and very credible," he said.
"It is a result for one team that played well and punishment for one that played very poorly and we deserved to lose," said Mourinho.
"After many discussions with my CEO and observing how he handled these situations, I learned that it is better to strive to be well-respected than well-liked," he said.
Mr Epstein understands his subject pretty well, knows the background and has plenty to say that is of interest—but it could all have been better said in a quarter of the space.
Anxiety born in human genes is well enough to give people a hard time, let alone the lifelong anxiety caused by death. It is said that this innate anxiety disorder doesnot only affect humans.
The robber saluted him, bidding him good-morrow; and perceiving that he was old, said, "Honest man, you begin to work very early: is it possible that one of your age can see so well?
“Green is popular because it hides dirt really well, ” said Lam King-wing, the owner of a dai pai dong on Gutzlaff Street that specializes in beef innards.
Well, how pleased I am! and it is such a good joke, too, that you should have gone this morning, and never said a word about it till now.
"I do think it is important that people look at how well women do because for many two-parent families, they are now the only ones working," said Jones-DeWeever.
He's really happy to have one thing that he is doing well; that said, he never had expected to be doing it for this long.
"It is a great shame because this is a team that was coming together well with a plan that we are on schedule with," he said.
It is said that if a woman can drink a lot then she usually is forthright by nature and is a workaholic as well. Zhang is just such a woman.
Professor Anderson said: "This is one of the most interesting new hormones that has been discovered for a very long time, and in time it may well become a mainstream part of therapy."
The post said [gm99nd] believes the move is a 'sensible decision, ' but said [gm99nd] is 'well aware that it could at any time block access to our services.'
Randall also said that this represents a tipping point for the H.264 standard, because now Flash player is supporting it as well Blu-Ray - two big industry players.
Randall还说新版播放器的发布将引发h . 264标准的流行,因为现在Flash播放器已经可以像支持蓝光一样支持这种工业标准了。
It is said that loving a person does not have necessarily being probable, but if you have one, you certainly love her well.
What Aristotle said about an individual's excellence - that it is not a single act, but a habit - applies to organizations as well.
My ideal is to become a doctor, It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving people's lives.
She said that I was good that I am poor as well as her, is this not often talk about their changing it?
Lily: Well, it is said that the amount of raw materials, such as wood and bamboo, used for making them is astounding.
Lily: Well, it is said that the amount of raw materials, such as wood and bamboo, used for making them is astounding.