I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it?
Whiten your teeth, now it is worth it to do because you are not going to stain them anymore.
Bottom line, if you buy a high quality headphone like the W1000, it is worth it to have a good source.
This one may be a little risky, but it is worth it for the kudos you will get from your friends and family.
It certainly isn't perfect, but if it allows me to look up only every 20 strokes instead of 6, it is worth it.
But you know, it is worth it because there are times when you think 'Thank goodness I did not try that on my guests.
If you suddenly rise a wish, and then can be implemented immediately, even if need to pay a price in the future, it is worth it.
On the other hand, I feel that if an occupation is something you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life then it is worth it.
No, I think not, and I know that none of you believes it is worth it to cause unnecessary damage to the planet that gives you shelter.
Tour companies usually demand a group discount, but it is worth it, as they can be good customers, and will give their customers some information in advance.
It is those elements that allow us to sit by the bedside of a friend: not because we know it is worth it, but because the question of worth does not even arise.
What it hasn't got is not worth having, and what it doesn't know is not worth knowing.
Yet it is worth noting that even if Apple ultimately loses this case, it has plenty of technical means to close a backdoor over time.
Britain has announced that it is to cancel about 200 million pounds' worth of debts owed to it by poorer Commonwealth countries.
No matter what I do to the money, you will still want it because it is still worth $20.
He said excitedly, "I was a little afraid, but there is no other bridge like this one in the world, it was so worth it."
他兴奋地说,“ 我有点害怕,但世界上没有第二座这样的桥,它太值得了。”
It is worth reading because it describes the XP practices and how they were used by members of the original XP project team.
No matter how I treated the note, you still want it because it has not been devaluated. It is still worth 20 dollars.
If you have to demand it, is it really worth receiving? Forced apologies are kind of like nice plastic. Shiny, maybe even useful, but ultimately, just trash.
We have decided that construction of theoffice building is a smart thing to do, since it is worth more than it costs—ithas a positive net present value.
It is worth noting, however, that it is often possible to port a virtual appliance to another format, provided that the specification of the new format is open or that you have access to it.
It is worth mentioning, because while it appears to be a trivial thing, I have seen much conjecture and debate over the topic.
Remember it can take a couple of months before inspiration strikes, depending on what you ask, but if you really want it enough, it is worth the wait.
Sometimes we are very close to our goal without even knowing it. It is therefore worth continuing.
I think we would all agree that it is well worth it, yet many of us still choose to let this innate fear paralyze us and settle into comfortable, secure positions despite being unhappy in them.
Reasonable people can disagree as to whether the bargain is worth it, but it is a bargain on the margins.
And boy is it worth it. Not only for us the audience, since we get to enjoy masterpiece after masterpiece, but for the studio as well: they simply rake in the dough with each release.
And boy is it worth it. Not only for us the audience, since we get to enjoy masterpiece after masterpiece, but for the studio as well: they simply rake in the dough with each release.