An authentic old master painting from the 17th century may be a timeless masterpiece, but if it has never been sold, it has no money value.
Although it may be used in a strategy where the enterprise has determined to begin their journey into asset management, containing costs initially to prove out value and reduce some initial risks.
In some cases, it may be desirable to pre-scale the window to a particular value, as shown in Figure 3.
Your parents, for example, may value ambition and a high-power career, but it may not be what you want.
The business value of a message might be long-lived or it may vanish in seconds (tortoises and hares).
With luck, the deterioration in North-East and central india-damaging though it will certainly be-may not mark the start of a fresh erosion in the value of Indian girls.
If you have a hard time getting people to accept your work even for free, and if referrals are not forthcoming, it may be that people don't value your work.
If they invest in SLATE tile for example, they may not have the same problem, and it might even help be a selling point in the value of the home.
The utility of those qualities, it may be thought, is what first recommends them to us; and, no doubt, the consideration of this, when we come to attend to it, gives them a new value.
Managers, shareholders, and lenders may all have different informationabout the value of a real or financial asset, and it may be many years beforeall the information is revealed.
The object cannot be moved in this GC cycle; we cannot fix up the reference as it may not be a real reference but simply an integer that happens to have the same value as an object on the heap.
在这一 GC周期中不能移动对象;我们不能修改引用,因为它可能不是一个真的引用而只是恰巧与堆上的对象同值的一个整数。
If a consistently good producer is falling behind in the number or dollar value of sales being made, it may be a sign that there's something you need to address.
This may be the most understated design-driven activity on a website but it carries huge value.
This may be the most understated design-driven activity on a website, but it carries huge value.
For example, it may be the case that your team is reviewing a Value Stream Map to understand how long it takes to implement a new requirement that comes from an external customer source.
Our elders always strive to teach us the value of money and its frailty. One may be on a winning streak now, but it will not always be so.
The return value may be a Binding instance, or it may be a simple value (which is more often the case).
One reason it may be doing so is to avoid diluting its existing equity value for existing investors, in advance of a possible initial public offering of stock next year.
But they probably have a set of things that they value - and it may be hard for you to identify your own values.
It may be difficult of impossible to liquidate an existing position to assess the value to determine a fair price or to assess the exposure to risk.
Conversion Premium the amount by which the price of a convertible security exceeds the current market value of the common stock into which it may be converted.
For a composer, to be of any value, must have his own personality. It may be of greater or lesser importance, but, in the case of significant music, it will always mirror that personality.
However, if a policy has lost the value of existence and continued to be retained, it may exert an extremely negative role.
This approach offers the value of fatigue limit with survival rate index, hence it may be used as a new criterion to estimate the rail quality.
It may be difficult or impossible to liquidate an existing position, to assess the value, to determine a fair price or to assess the exposure to risk.
It indicated the relationship may be a good method for fire value, also may be a basis to obtain the fast residual strength as the scene of fire.
DEFAULT does represent a valid value and it may have been explicitly be specified by the user.
At first it may not be obvious that you can modify an object referred to by a variable that is passed by value.
It was found that if a lower limit on the value of the SPH smoothing radius his imposed, a commonly used approach, the accuracy of solutions may be severely degraded.
It was found that if a lower limit on the value of the SPH smoothing radius his imposed, a commonly used approach, the accuracy of solutions may be severely degraded.