Everyday it seems that there are more compelling reasons to leverage the cloud as new pieces of cloud Infrastructures fall into places.
It seems that there are two worlds - the world of huge things that we see everyday (a tree, a car, etc..) and a micro world of incredibly small things.
It seems like everyday someone is creating a new add-on that will help me get things done faster, organize my content better or make my browser smarter.
I want to write my work feeling on my blog everyday but it seems that it is impossible as sometimes I am really too busy to write it.
Everyday, I got too much anger in my chest that it seems that I will burn myself up, that's another reason why I do not feel too cold... not 'cause of my strong body, but from my fury mood.
I hurry on with my journey everyday, so it seems that I know him by his voice rather than himself every time.
I hurry on with my journey everyday, so it seems that I know him by his voice rather than himself every time.