But they were also careful not to rely on that information, lest it turn out to be a fabrication.
Using protective stops upon entering a trade provide a trader with a good idea of about how much money he or she is risking on that particular trade, should it turn out to be a loser.
Since students and parents expect a college degree to lead to a job, it is in the best interest of a school to turn out graduates who are as qualified as possible—or at least appear to be.
Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soon as consumers see it on the fashion show did not turn out to be as effective as expected.
Whenever you find yourself making negative comments to yourself, be sure to pull out this list, write down the negative statement and turn it into a positive one.
If it upholds the measure, this must then be approved in a referendum in which at least a quarter of voters turn out, probably to be held in mid-March.
If you are prepared for differences, are ready to enjoy the experience as a whole and keep a sense of humor and optimism, then it should all turn out to be a pleasant learning and life adventure.
The phrase comes from a quote in the final paragraph, which is also worth repeating because it contains what may turn out to be the most apposite verdict on the whole affair.
She said she hoped the latest plan would work but admitted it would be a temporary measure and that a relief well currently being drilled might turn out to be the permanent solution.
If it is ubiquitous, and had not been noticed earlier because it emerged during the normal flu season, then this epidemic may turn out to be insignificant, at least to start with.
Dr Venter reckons that even with existing technology, it should be possible to turn out ten times more fuel per hectare than can be garnered from maize.
Dr Thornhill thought this preference for symmetry might turn out to be universal in the animal kingdom (and it does indeed seem to be). In particular, he showed it is true of people.
And if there is life elsewhere, it is something stronger than a hunch to say that it will turn out to be Darwinian life.
IT COULD turn out to be the biggest breach of data privacy since the advent of the Internet.
But finding the cash may anyhow turn out to be relatively simple; the harder part is how to make it produce real change.
If all such asteroids turn out to be harmless windmills, it will have been a wasted effort.
If there does turn out to be a "light-at-night" effect, then tackling it could be a major health challenge.
And such a scarcity, they suggest, can make it more likely that the leading journals will publish dramatic, but what may ultimately turn out to be incorrect, research.
It would be interesting to keep this book for ten or twenty years and see how accurate the authors' predictions turn out to be.
Even if a therapy carries little risk of direct physical harm, it may still turn out to be a waste of time and money.
And so, he said, the Lilly drug result should serve as a caution - no matter how promising an experimental therapy seems, it might turn out to be worse than a placebo.
Dr Thornhill thought this preference for symmetry might turn out to be universal in the animal kingdom (and it does indeed seem to be).
Without foolproof evidence of Gadhafi's capture, it was unclear whether Thursday would turn out to be the biggest day in recent Libyan history.
"The world may be making a mistake, and it may turn out to make things worse rather than better," Mr. Posen said.
It may well turn out to be the case that England's most dynamic attacking option is Gerrard playing just behind Rooney but it can wait until either desperation or occasion demands it.
Failing to send the proper status code from your applications may seem harmless, but it can turn out to be a real problem when trying to enable to the edge server.
The upshot may turn out to be the death of the 35-hour week, but it is a mightily complicated way to go about it.
The largest impediment to introduction of electronic chauffeuring may turn out to be the general perception that it's more difficult and expensive to implement than it really is.
Perhaps the whole basis of the idea would have to be abandoned if it should turn out that it was not right to the higher orders and I just could not face that prospect.
Perhaps the whole basis of the idea would have to be abandoned if it should turn out that it was not right to the higher orders and I just could not face that prospect.