It was ridiculous that I have dumped all of my articles a few months ago.
I think he was unfairly treated at West ham and at Southampton, it was ridiculous actually.
It was ridiculous that neither of these countries had any contingency plan for the biggest zoo in the Middle East.
It was ridiculous, as was the other responsibility of preventing attempted escapes under the cover of the fires.
And, there's no way to connect two phones when someone stand right next to you I just thought it was ridiculous.
"He thought it was ridiculous that a 30-year-old man would have to beg his mother for a check from his own company, " Kiehnau says.
“Katz觉着,一个30岁的男人从他自己的公司取钱出来,还要央求自己的母亲,这是一件很荒谬的事情。” Kiehnau说。
In 2004 it was ridiculous that Harvard undergrads were still using a Facebook printed on paper. Surely that sort of thing should have been online.
'it may seem like a mad idea, but it was a unique project and the children really learned a lot from the experience. It was ridiculous but really good fun.'
It was important to stand upfor principles and it was ridiculous to suggest that to do so carried the riskof economic damage, he told the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.
It was ridiculous to stand in front of a hotel for the prospect of a chocolate; still, Zichen smiled at the two armed guards, and, later, at a pair of foreigners walking out of the hotel.
The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults.
And it was community theatre, something many people regarded as the K-mart of the performing arts and the last bastion of ridiculous, wannabe actors.
The referee's position to make a decision there was absolutely ridiculous. He can't see it.
It was fun to start with, but wild behaviour and ridiculous events have left little to enjoy. Will you be watching its last series?
The corners of his moustache twitched. "it was definitely in the 'ridiculous' category," he said.
This time it was littered with ridiculous amounts of cigarettes and alcohol–not exactly a prescription for happiness!
He said it was a most ridiculous place to put the gas-pipe, and the man who did it evidently knew nothing about his business.
I read it but the fact on it was so ridiculous that even to people gullible like me it smelled fishy.
It may sound ridiculous now, but the prediction was actually true for about ten years after it was made.
In the eighteen-forties and fifties, it was called "the sense of the ridiculous, " and didn't have the positive connotations that "sense of humor" has today.
It was patently ridiculous for a doctor practicing his profession to ask a doctor washing Windows how he was.
TC - he was at his peak while Shaq was on the decline and Dwight was still young, so I don't think its as ridiculous a claim as you make it sound.
回复TC - - - - - -姚明在他的巅峰时期时,沙克·奥尼尔正在下滑阶段,德怀特·霍华德还很年轻,所以我不认为像你说的那样荒谬。
Some conventional scholars who were allergic to abstract art said it was evidently ridiculous and neither art nor geometry. Their Traditional art Committee predicted its soon disappearing.
Some conventional scholars who were allergic to abstract art said it was evidently ridiculous and neither art nor geometry. Their Traditional art Committee predicted its soon disappearing.