There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.
The teacher criticized him, because it was the second time that he had_made (make) the same mistake.
It was the second time I've done that now - I also did it last week - and I hope to make it a more frequent thing.
But if it was the second time, he would knock me with a chopstick to "help" me memorize the lesson for not doing it again.
It was the second time in a week the Pope has sent a signal that on balance gives comfort to the most conservative elements in the church.
It was the second time she had been seen wearing stack-heeled, T-bar shoes with peep-toes, and led to Ms Holmes and Mr Cruise being criticised.
It was the second time Real Madrid failed to score in the league, fueling rumors of dressing-room splits and players losing faith in the Special One, Mr. Mourinho.
It was only as she tried for the second time that she realized that there was no dialling tone.
However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door.
This meant that the HTML for the second tab was created even if it was never viewed, wasting both server time and bandwidth.
The Hunley was designed and named for W.L. Hunley, who died in his vessel the second time it sank while attempting to attack a Union blockade.
The Woodman replied that it was not, and Mercury then dived a second time, and, bringing up a silver axe, asked if that was his.
When Berbatov played in Rooney to fire in United's third goal it was only the second time he had set him up to score since they became team-mates almost a year ago.
Yet it took five years before the Dreyfusards secured a second military trial, at which the captain was again found guilty, this time after the top brass forged evidence against him.
By the time the second fund was established, more cautious investors, such as pension funds and Banks, were prepared to put money into it.
I designed, after my first voyage, to spend the rest of my days at Bagdad, but it was not long ere I grew weary of an indolent life, and I put to sea a second time, with merchants of known probity.
For the second week running Ferguson preferred to partner Rooney with Welbeck and this time, when the substitutions were made, it was Javier hernandez who was introduced.
This is the second time in roughly ten years that the same fate has befallen us. Last time it was redevelopment of an office block into a hotel.
One of them, I don't remember if it was the first one or the second one last time, but it really doesn't matter.
The second time, it was the day after Becky had had surgery for a tear in her shoulder.
So yes it starts with us. The best time to have started was probably 20 years ago, the second best time? Right now.
If you think through the second scenario, you notice that a logging message sent gets processed twice as it has already been logged when the logging message was submitted for the first time.
When you view the second portlet for the first time, it is immediately set up with the information that was provided by the first portlet.
When you view the second portlet for the first time, it is immediately set up with the information that was provided by the first portlet.