Federal Express opted out of the Super Bowl, for example, arguing that it would be insensitive to run a glittering AD.
We're not saying it would be perfect, but we think the world would be a safer place if dogs were out there saving lives (and digging holes with super-canine speed).
That's a lot of money, and it wouldn't be hard to devise taxes that would raise a significant amount of revenue from those super-high-income individuals.
It's not super light--reading by it would be difficult and eye-straining--but certainly beautiful in an unearthly or subterranean way.
Although it is a bit difficult to get the Amazon Appstore on a typical Android device, a device with it pre-installed would be super simple.
After Venus moves direct, from April 22 onward, if you like, it would be a super time to buy new clothes or to experiment with a new look for your hair.
Of note - everything wrote super smooth on this paper. I think it would be excellent for drawing & doodling with markers.
Australia last month signalled that it would be the world's highest taxed country for mining groups when it announced plans for a new 40 per cent resource super-profits tax.
Really just from playing in All-Star Games, but we haven't been able to spend that much time together. It would be overstating it to say we're super close.
Maybe it would be easier to build an infinite long, super dense spinning cylinder which would also curse space-time enough to create a Time Loop.
I thought it would be interesting to go back and look at other big advances that have taken place in the past and really compare how the information super highway fits in with these other advances.
Pretty sure it would be like: "The 72-10 Bulls had to play against tough, physical opponents, not cry baby super teams. ""
Wow! A Super Mario cake. I am not sure how delicious it would be, but it is certainly very beautiful.
Wow! A Super Mario cake. I am not sure how delicious it would be, but it is certainly very beautiful.