The strain of default, combined with atavistic protectionist instincts coming to the fore all over Europe, could easily unravel the EU's proudest achievement, its single market.
This is not a theoretical point; it is at the heart of a dispute about poker’s future in America, the country of its birth and its largest single market.
That said, the single market is one of the EU's big achievements, and its "four freedoms" of movement-of people, goods, services and capital-are worth defending.
BMW was particularly hard hit by the downturn in the U.S., which is its biggest single market.
Technology has made a single market of the phone and television businesses: Televisa now bundles phone and Internet with its cable-TV services, and wants to add mobile phones.
The European project has spent too many of its first 50 years looking inwards: building the single market, sorting out institutions, arguing about money, endlessly negotiating treaties.
Linked to this should be the preservation of the single European market and its competition rules, which are under attack from economic nationalists.
But once a money is established on the market, then every single exchange includes the money-commodity as one of its two commodities.
This means, above all, safeguarding the single market and its competition rules.
Since its origin, the EU has established a single economic market across the territory of all its members.
Gartner just recently published its annual assessment of the application integration and middleware (AIM) market, which experienced single digit growth in 2008.
Zara also ships frequently, allowing lower inventories while serving its multinational market from a single distribution center in Spain.
Airbus was beginning to eat into Boeing's market with its A320 single-aisle jet-the sort of plane that accounts for four out of five planes sold.
Since its inception, the Chinese market and other shortcomings of traditional paint a single species, particularly the international launch of the most popular home decorating color system.
While almost everyone agrees that it's the best single GPU card on the market, some punters complained about its price.
Compared with the same type of DC motor, single light 20 to 30%, compared with similar foreign motor, its price is only about one third of the import motor, has a broad market prospect.
与同类型直流电动机相比,单机重量轻20 ~ 30%左右,与国外同类电机相比较,其价格仅为进口电机的三分之一左右,具有广阔的市场发展前景。
BMW was particularly hard hit by the downturn in the U. S., which is its biggest single market.
In the major single market, or central market, approach, the firm selects its mission based on one national market and establishes a marketing mix, and later expands to other national markets.
A single firm may commit a violation through its unilateral actions, or a violation may result if a group of firms work together to monopolize a market.
NYSE Euronext offers customers around the world a single pan-European market for its stock market products, including equities, closed-end funds, bonds, exchange-traded funds and warrants.
Especially with the establishment of the European single market, the EU has greatly increased its overall competitiveness.
India's stock market made its biggest single-day gain of 893 points on Nov. 14, fuelled in large part by companies that were once members of the Reliance Group.
The crisis has stormed the U. S. stock market, dragging it to its biggest falls in a single trading day.
The crisis has stormed the U. S. stock market, dragging it to its biggest falls in a single trading day.