Consider its strengths and weaknesses.
What are its strengths and weaknesses?
Usage of EJB indicates its strengths and weaknesses.
The organization needs to understand its strengths and weaknesses, and find areas for quick returns.
Once your website is live, you should detect its strengths and weaknesses to know which actions to take.
The point to go away with is that none of these approaches is perfect; each has its strengths and weaknesses.
That's a model that has been around for a long time and, like any model, it has its strengths and weaknesses.
Team members get an actual working product right away - along with a chance to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.
In Part 1 of this series, I introduced PlayStation 3 (PS3) Linux and its strengths and weaknesses as a development environment.
在本系列的第1部分,我介绍了PlayStation3 (PS 3)Linux和它作为开发平台的优势和不足。
In each maturity stage, your agency's measurements should point out its strengths and weaknesses as well as gauge its improvements.
This report will be exploring the article "Understanding the role of vision in project success" and investigating its strengths and weaknesses.
For this reason, all papers must carefully describe and justify the evaluation methodology that is used and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
When considering to venture into the international market of imports and exports the company or a business must assess its strengths and weaknesses in detail.
Allowing outsiders to assess a design for its strengths and weaknesses is not something that the Department of Defence has done in the past-and it is not, at the moment, proposing to change its mind.
The three services reviewed and compared in this article each has its unique approach and, as a result, unique strengths and weaknesses.
Either approach is equally valid and has its relative strengths and weaknesses compared to one another and should be selected depending on the unique needs of your application.
Each of the various business and integration patterns listed along the top of Table 1 has its relative strengths and weaknesses when it comes to meeting the various business requirements discussed.
By designing the application in this way, you enable each part of your architecture to play to its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses.
Each of these techniques has its own strengths and weaknesses.
The problem is that early adopters will inevitably be compared with the first mover, and every aspect of their offering and its relative strengths and weaknesses will be scrutinised.
There are a number of charting libraries available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
Shale's creators have taken into account both the weaknesses and the strengths of the Struts framework and come up with a next-generation framework worthy of its predecessor.
After I came to understand the strengths and weaknesses of XSLT and-more importantly-its paradigm and how and when to use it, however, XSLT is now a favorite tool that's a pleasure to use.
After I came to understand the strengths and weaknesses of XSLT and-more importantly-its paradigm and how and when to use it, however, XSLT is now a favorite tool that's a pleasure to use.