Since a plant uses it up in the air around, the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface!
After Hamas stepped up its rocket attacks at the end of 2008, Israel began a major offensive in the Gaza Strip, launching air strikes and a ground invasion.
The oil refinery in the borough of Azcapotzalco, which was said to belch out up to 7% of Mexico City’s air pollution, was shut in 1991. Some of its land was converted into a park.
One way to get round this limitation is to set up a laser in mid-air, its beam sampling the molecules along its path as it returns to the source.
But even more impressive is to see the Raptor at low speed, hovering almost stationary in the air, its nose pointing upwards, like a child’s toy strung up to the sky.
They may not be the stars of Up in the Air, but they are what gives the movie its soul.
The two companies also plan to bid the UH-60M in the air service's planned competition to replace its 62 Vietnam War-vintage UH-1N Hueys with up to 90 new utility helos.
两家公司还在计划,对飞行服务竞争中的UH-60M直升机进行投标,以取代其62架越南战争中使用过的老式UH-1N Huey直升机和90架新多用途直升机。
In 1887, Guy de Maupassant sent up a hot-air balloon over the Seine with the name of his latest short story, “Le Horla,” painted on its side.
If the regenerative air dryer will be oil steam can be in its pollution, upstream oil filters to set up steam extend the service life of desiccant.
One balloon was not yet up in the air. Its owner was hurrying to fill it as a newspaper reporter took pictures.
One elderly couple's car somehow ended up on its side in Bel Air, and they made the best of the situation by snapping photos.
The flax fabric can refresh the air condition inside garment in time and keep up its comfort and cleanness.
Franz walked to the park. At its far end, the golden cupolas of the Orthodox church rose up like two gilded cannonballs kept from imminent collapse and suspended in the air by some invisible Power.
The air jet weaving machine employs the air picking-up, its weaving technology consisting in small shedding and large tension.
The fact that an aeroplane is up in the air and cannot stop if anything goes wrong, makes it perhaps a matter of life or death that its performance is absolutely dependable.
In fact, the reason the U. S. air Force chose the air-launched anti-satellite system is that it does not have to have its target line up with a ground-based missile pad.
At the University of Sydney, in Australia, Steve Manos used an evolutionary algorithm to come up with novel patterns in a type of optical fibre that has air holes shot through its length.
At this point, Selenium throws its hands up in the air, there is very little it can do.
These points add up to free air miles or cash discounts, so it really pays to stay loyal to the brand in all its diversified forms, 'says Austin.
The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air.
As the hot beach air rises up, the relatively cooler air over the water moves in to take its place.
The party breaks up at dawn and we get into the boat again and move it into the miles of lotus-covered surface where we catch a nap in an air filled with its fragrance. We have a perfect sleep.
Finally the parent bird gives up its pretence and leaps into the air just in time to escape the fox's jaws.
Finally the parent bird gives up its pretence and leaps into the air just in time to escape the fox's jaws.