His love of life has his father, portrayed by James Cromwell, berating him with the words: "Who do you think you are, a Kennedy?"
他尽享人生的所作所为令他的父亲,由詹姆斯·克伦威尔 (James Cromwell) 饰演的老布什忍无可忍, 对他大声呵斥道: "你不知道自己姓什么了? 姓肯尼迪吗?"
His love of life has his father, portrayed by James Cromwell, berating him with the words: "Who do you think you are, a Kennedy?"
他尽享人生的所作所为令他的父亲,由詹姆斯·克伦威尔 (James Cromwell) 饰演的老布什忍无可忍, 对他大声呵斥道: "你不知道自己姓什么了? 姓肯尼迪吗?"