Others saw in his findings a form of Japan bashing.
It is a repeat of the United States' Japan bashing.
Bullying at schools, ranging from bantering and bashing, ignoring and shutting out from student groups to beating and kicking has long been a problem in Japan.
Whereas Japanese officials once feared so-called Japan-bashing by Americans, today they are more likely to lament "Japan-passing," a shift in attention to places viewed as more dynamic, like China.
日本官员曾经担心的是美国人的所谓“痛击日本”(Japan - bashing),如今他们应该更多的是哀叹“痛失日本”(Japan - passing),美国的注意力已经转移到中国等更具活力的地方。
Whereas Japanese officials once feared so-called Japan-bashing by Americans, today they are more likely to lament "Japan-passing," a shift in attention to places viewed as more dynamic, like China.
日本官员曾经担心的是美国人的所谓“痛击日本”(Japan - bashing),如今他们应该更多的是哀叹“痛失日本”(Japan - passing),美国的注意力已经转移到中国等更具活力的地方。