Before I finished praying in my heart, Rebekah came out, with her jar on her shoulder.
The expression of feeling being the object, these deficiencies in regard to form do not jar on the hearer.
This file is found on the classpath (that generally means in the local directory) or inside any JAR on your classpath.
Your newbie sim might sew a bear with one eye, make a lopsided jar on the pottery wheel, get poison ivy while hiking, or who knows what?
你的模拟人或许会缝制出一个只有一只眼睛的小熊、在旋转的陶器托盘上做一个歪著的陶罐、在徒步旅行中得到有毒的长春藤等,除了这些之外,谁知道还会发生什么呢? !
For example, what if your boyfriend isn't hip to your presoaking a used fabric pad—as is generally recommended—in a jar on the bathroom counter?
To use JUnit, you must first put the JUnit JAR on your project's build path, and create a test class. Complete the following steps to put JUnit on the project's build path
For example, the first class load from each JAR on the application classpath is always loaded from disk and stored, regardless of whether it exists in the cache or not.
What matter was it that on the outside of the jar, the eye of mere observation noted the words "Keelwell's Marmalade".
If you go through your white flour in less than a year, you can safely keep it on the counter in an airtight jar or canister.
Some went on to take the medicine jar to the village.
There are also three libraries (JAR files) that must be installed on the application servers.
Copy the JAR file to the appropriate location on the remote computer, or even the same machine, invoke the debug server, and then attach a client to it.
This gives you a good idea of which JAR files need to be available on the build path and the run-time classpath.
Cold replaceability is achievable, but you need to know what JAR files on the classpath need to be removed and replaced.
What matter was it that on the outside of the jar the eye of mere observation noted the words 'Keelwell's Marmalade'?
The individual JAR or ZIP files can be specified on the command line to override default behaviour.
Then he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouthed mason jar and set it on a table in front of him. Next he produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar.
他拿出一个容量一加仑的广口玻璃罐放在面前的桌子上.然后 他拿出十多个拳头大小的石头小心翼翼、一个一个地放进玻璃罐中.等到石块装满到罐口 无法再塞入时 他问道:"罐子满了吗?""
The worker USES the jar ID displayed on the control panel to find the jar and remove it from the packing queue, then confirms on the control panel that it's been removed.
J2EE components, such as WAR files and EJB JAR files, must declare their dependence on resources outside their deployment units.
Arguments passed on the One-JAR command line are passed through to the application main method without modification.
在One - JAR命令行上传递的参数,被不加修改地传递到应用程序的主方法。
JAR file administration on the database server.
A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported.
Because all the files for downloaded applications must be contained in a set of JAR files on the client machine, you need only to update the set of JAR files stored on the Web server.
Put the OSGi bundle, which is a JAR file, on a Web server.
将OS gi包(该包是一个JAR文件)放在Web服务器上。
CommonsTest.groovy to run the test. (Of course, you need to change the path to where you have the JAR saved on your system.)
We also use the money in this jar to give to family and friends on birthdays, special occasions and holidays.
You can see that our process has a handle to the directory on our classpath and to several JAR files.
You can see that our process has a handle to the directory on our classpath and to several JAR files.