Which is great in itself but also means that my "muffin top" is pretty much gone when I wear my favorite jeans.
Does this mean we shouldn't wear jeans?
Will we all wear the same kind of jeans or pants (like a uniform) or will each culture be different?
Programmers can usually still wear clean and neat jeans, but it does depend on the company.
More than a third (35 per cent) of those surveyed admitted owning a pair of " trophy" jeans they used to fit into and kept in the hope they would slim down enough to wear.
Designers often wear worn-out jeans and wrinkled t-shirts, and frankly, most of the time, I say embrace it.
I wear casual clothes: an open-neck shirt, or T-shirt, and jeans, and sneakers.
You can always wear your old, torn favorites around the house, but make sure that you have a nice pair of well-fitting dark blue jeans with no overly stylized flaws to wear outside.
And I do happen to be wearing jeans today, but of course that's irrelevant. Since its not Friday and nor is the case that I always wear on a Friday.
If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy. This does not look good.
Depending on your line of work you may not need to wear full business attire, but even jeans and a T-shirt will make you feel ready to work more than wearing your pajamas.
If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy.This does not look good.
They might be jeans, but they should still fit like a pair of casual trousers if you expect to wear them to work.
If you can wear them with a suit, you probably can't wear them with jeans, and vice versa.
The Public Health Minister then went on to suggest that folks wear "thick clothing like jeans" during the raining season between June and September when the number of mosquitoes are much greater.
The survey of 2, 000 shoppers found that one in five women owns six pairs of jeans they no longer wear due to weight loss or gain.
I took pieces from my Circus tour and pieces that I wear every day. I love denim, so I made sure to include a lot of jeans.
If it's sunny out, Mr. Chiara sometimes likes to wear the jeans when they're "almost completely dry" and sit in the sun.
Which is great in itself but also means that my ‘muffin top’ is pretty much gone when I wear my favorite jeans.
While shopping for maternity wear during my first pregnancy I thought I had to be dreaming when I picked up a plain pair of jeans and saw the price tag:$150.
Levi Strauss has introduced a pay-as-you-wear model for its most fashionable jeans in India to preserve their upmarket status while broadening its customer base.
A blouse you normally wear with jeans will look good with shorts for an alfresco lunch.
If it's sunny out, Mr. Chiara sometimes likes to wear the jeans when they're 'almost completely dry' and sit in the sun.
They have short hair, they only wear T-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes, and they never wear makeup.
But where I'm from, this is how everyone wears their jeans - if you wear them pulled up high, people think you're really uncool.
You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look.
You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look.