There was pudding and Jell-O and cookies, pie filling and flour.
Achieving solidarity among the nations is a good deal like nailing Jell-O to a wall.
Jell-O crystals were stuck over all the horses in the Emerald City palace to lend them their colour.
You risk your life and limp to save the free world, and what do they give you? Jell-O and bad 70's TV show?
But mostly you just take 'em the way they come. It's not like you're trying to 10 nail Jell-O to a tree, you know?
Office refrigerators long stocked with free Kraft products (cheese, Jell-O) were wheeled out within days of the merger's closing.
这桩收购交易完成没几天,长期存放免费卡夫产品(奶酪,Jell - O果冻等等)的办公室冰箱就被推出去了。
Mix Jell-O powder with 16 ounces of boiling water in a bowl until powder completely dissolves. Then, add in 6 ounces of cold water and the vodka.
She knows that her job-sharing partner, Barbara Keesler, is at the office, handling administrative work for the Jell-O brand group at 2)Kraft Foods in Rye Brook.
Howard: she and her lab team are under quarantine. Seems at the Christmas party they were doing Jell-O shots out of petri dishes that used to contain yellow fever.
Even at that time there was a sense that food culture was being lost: frozen food was appearing, as were industrial food products such as Jell-O and ready-made cake mixes.
Thee process relies on a concept called electrorheology, in which a fluid can morph from a liquid to a JELL-O–like consistency, or the other way around, in an electric field.
Thee process relies on a concept called electrorheology, in which a fluid can morph from a liquid to a JELL-O–like consistency, or the other way around, in an electric field.