Furthermore, thanks to the high-speed jet stream, countries such as the UK, the Netherlands, Ireland and Denmark are particularly suited to flying kites.
They also placed a small ring inside the water tank that whirled more rapidly than the cylinder and created a miniature lab version of the jet stream.
The immediate cause of the problems is the behaviour of the jet stream, a band of high-level wind that travels east around the world and influences much of the weather below it.
引起这些问题的直接原因是急流[注1]的运动方式 ----在高空、绕地球向东流动并能给下面的天气造成很大影响的一股风。
During the summer the jet stream (air currents at 7, 000-12, 000m above sea level which affect the winds and weather) changed its course.
夏季,急流(海拔在7,000- 12,000米的气流,影响风和天气)改变了航向。
If a change in the jet stream really is a leading indicator of solar activity, then no new cycle is on the horizon.
Frank Hill and his team were the discoverers, 15 years ago, of an east-west jet stream in the sun.
The analysis also tracked weather changes that contributed to massive floods in Pakistan and a heat wave in Russia, saying an "unusually strong jet stream" from June to August was to blame.
Up near the jet stream above New York, the wind power density can reach 16 kilowatts per square meter.
If the sun were behaving itself, Dr Hill's team would have seen signs of a new jet stream in 2008 or 2009.
This is because the winds normally vary widely between the near-surface and the upper atmosphere, home to the eastward-flowing jet stream.
This poleward expansion could significantly alter such crucial elements as jet stream flow patterns and the course of storm tracks.
The phenomenon influences the positioning of the jet stream. And that, in turn, affects weather patterns around the globe.
The showerhead massage is the control that switches the water from a steady stream to a pulsating jet spray.
The Saturn hexagon seems to represent the strange rigid path of a jet stream, with each of the six sides being one Earth diameter in length.
The heavier cloud cover to the north and west of this circular pattern was likely a response to a low-pressure system and to jet stream dynamics.
And we switched out of El Nino into what we call a La Nina situation, which keeps the jet stream really out of the path of these westward-moving hurricanes.
Back in 1996, Haigh showed that the temperature of the stratosphere influences the passage of the jet stream, the high-altitude river of air passing from west to east across Europe.
"One thing that brings those things together is a strong jet stream, " says Brooks, "especially if it comes from the west or south-west, over the Rockies."
In the first stage the jet stream lies well to the north and it takes a general west-east direction.
A high power efficient Eh6G dye laser pumped by a copper vapor laser was developed with longitudinally pumped geometry and jet stream on the basis of this theory.
Furthermore, a mathematical method calculating the aerodynamic disturbing force of transverse jet stream is presented.
Studies the jet stream field under different point angles and boundary conditions.
In this paper, an inverse effect of lateral jet within lateral and main jet stream interaction was indicated on experiments.
The results show that the inhomogeneous distribution of temperature advection in upper jet stream trigger vertical currents in the marginal area of upper jet stream and cause airplane turbulence.
The results show that the inhomogeneous distribution of temperature advection in upper jet stream trigger vertical currents in the marginal area of upper jet stream and cause airplane turbulence.