The future cardinal was convinced, even then, that he had not abandoned one iota of his Jewishness.
It aims less to promote aliyah than to give an instant hit of Jewishness.
My study is to explore the Jewishness through contextualizing the Assistant in Jewish historical and cultural background.
Harping on Israel's Jewishness is code, they say, for limiting the rights of Israel's 1.5m Arab citizens, a fifth of the total.
Jewishness explained everything: his love of texts, his instinctive empathy with themes of blame and persecution, his sense of exile.
Of course, Freud's disavowal of his Jewishness may help to explain the fog surrounding the issue: was he or was he not well versed in Jewish tradition?
However, for a Jewish writer who values the Jewish ethos a lot, abundant Jewish elements are actually employed to comprehensively express the Jewishness in The Assistant by Malamud.
From a different perspective, this paper maintains that Salinger s achievement in novels are closely connected with his semi-Jewishness, his creation reflecting his Jewishness and semi-Jewishness.
From a different perspective, this paper maintains that Salinger s achievement in novels are closely connected with his semi-Jewishness, his creation reflecting his Jewishness and semi-Jewishness.