Yet, on balance, I still felt good about where things stood: the country was moving in the right direction, my job rating was high, and we still had plenty to do.
This process of rating one's worth in terms of the company's bottom line should begin the very first day on a new job and continue until a promotion is offered or a lateral move requested.
According to results from the latest statewide Field Poll, as of July Schwarzenegger's job approval rating had rebounded to 49%, from 36% a year ago.
When Obama took office two years ago today, Gallup put his incoming job approval at 68 percent, much higher than Reagan's initial rating of 51 percent, a bare majority.
After a job is completed, the employer and employee rate each other. The rating is kept for future use.
Participants completed a 14-item survey on job burnout, rating how often they felt emotionally exhausted, physically fatigued, and mentally weary.
There is a positive correlation between supervisory commitment and them. 3. Supervisory commitment significantly influences job satisfaction, self-rating performance, turnover intention.
There is a positive correlation between supervisory commitment and them. 3. Supervisory commitment significantly influences job satisfaction, self-rating performance, turnover intention.