Introduce the concept that Salary is based on the job size, the type of business, market information and the employee abilities as well as length of service.
The font face, size and color can do an amazing job of controlling how your website says something that leaves an impression on users, which leads to the final piece of our sandwich.
How many rounds and levels of interviews to conduct depends on the nature of the job, the size of your company, and your policies and procedures.
Over the past year, lawmakers, the media, and even some customers have begun weighing Amazon's growing sales and size against the impact for communities, commerce, and the local job market.
Traditional blood analyzers can count cells and extract information about their size, but they cannot take pictures of every cell because no camera is fast enough and sensitive enough for the job.
So determining what's reasonable to shoot for will require you to take into account both the size of the organization and the surrounding community and job market.
The APC's job is to control the size of the cluster hosting a given application based on the demand on the system.
I had a job at a small magazine in an office the size of a closet, with three other aspiring writers.
“We’ve done a pretty good job of categorizing from the size of a fly up, ” but anything below that is far less known, said Joel Cracraft of the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
“身体比蝇类大的物种的分类工作已经非常完善了,”但是,对身体更小的物种就知之甚少了,位于纽约的美国国家历史博物馆的Joel Cracraft说。
Think of it as the personal trainer of emotions, motivating you to work harder for what you want -- be it a better job, stronger relationship, or smaller pants size.
Usually, an income of that size requires regular, formal employment, with a salary and some benefits, that is, a steady job-another key middle-class characteristic.
The GWT compiler does a good job at reducing code size but cutting unused methods and obfuscating code to use short variable and function names, but the result is still uncompressed text.
"When we first put it in the water, we were worried about the size of the job and the scope of the job," he said.
First, I have to say, there are some really good Numbers from, who do an amazing job of providing information despite the vast size of the database they're dealing with.
Input data sets go through some operation (filtering, aggregation, or a join) in the early stages of the WebSphere DataStage job that reduces their size.
A similar job needs to be done on forms and tables to force form controls and table cells to inherit the correct size: INPUT, SELECT, th, TD {font-size: 1em}.
对表单和表格需要执行类似的工作,以使表单控件和表单元格继承合适的大小:INPUT,SELECT,TH,TD {font - size:1em}。
Apple has done a great job of using the size of the iPad's screen to give you more information and better navigation while browsing.
The “Log in”-link (hint: in the yellow box) should have a greater font-size — also icons would do the job.
If jobs are so important, wouldn't salary size be a gauge of job satisfaction?
Shadow has great impact on visual tracking system, especially in some applications that need to measure the size of the object. It is a meaningful job to deal with shadow.
The size of waste heat with the engine load and which is closely related to job status.
Regardless of size, the main job of the contractor is to drill a hole to the depth and specifications set by the operating company.
Job stretch is the difference in the scope, size and impact of the new job in comparison to the others the person is considering or the one now held.
These figures are included to give you some idea of the size of the job and must not be considered accurate enough for cost-estimating jobs.
He will not seek a job in cities this year, believing that helping his father expand the size of their herd will be more rewarding.
Oil ring slots, or holes, must be clean; a drill of the proper size is handy for this job.
Oil ring slots, or holes, must be clean; a drill of the proper size is handy for this job.