UK unemployment has risen back over the 2.5 million mark, fanning fears that Britain is suffering a "jobless recovery".
Labour productivity has soared, but the result could be a poisonous combination of deep recession followed by jobless recovery.
You mentioned one of the things, rate of unemployment going up. (Yeah. ) There's this talk of a jobless recovery, is there such a thing?
One the most notable trends that's played out during this jobless recovery has been the dramatic shift in the age structure of employment.
Productivity has soared, but the number of new jobs has not, at least not yet, and politicians fret about the consequences of a 'jobless recovery'.
Productivity has soared, but the number of new jobs has not, at least not yet, and politicians fret about the consequences of a 'jobless recovery'
An increased tax take from the corporate sector is the flip side of the reduced income - and consumption-tax revenues that stem from a jobless recovery.
Think of Jimmy Carter’s cardigan-clad gloom in the inflation-ridden late 1970s, or the fear of competition from Japan that marked the “jobless recovery” of the early 1990s.
Moscow, Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - Russia is likely to witness robust but relatively jobless recovery, says World Bank's Russian Economic Report no. 21 launched today in Moscow.
We still have 6-12 months where people are seeing if the credit and financial markets stabilize before you see a rebound there and most likely you are going to see a jobless recovery.
Productivity has soared, but the number of new jobs has not, at least not yet, and politicians fret about the consequences of a 'jobless recovery'. The good news is that hiring is up;
We've had jobless recoveries before, but this recovery has been totally devoid of income growth, and that's very disturbing.
ONE of the ideas for why America's recovery has been relatively slow and jobless refers to the fact that the country experienced a balance-sheet recession.
But fast-snapback hopes are countered by a mountain of data suggesting the recovery from this recession will be just as jobless as the prior two.
A rapid increase in unemployment would not only be bad news for the jobless but could indicate a greater risk of a weak recovery or a double-dip recession.
This dismal rate of job creation raises the distinct possibility that America’s recovery from the latest recession may also be jobless.
Yet even a recovery by December will be too late for a first wave of jobless who will by then be running out of their statutory unemployment benefit.
The recovery remains a disappointing one, in other words, particularly for the more than 14 million workers that remain jobless.
On the economic front, there seems to be a recovery taking place, albeit a jobless one.
So we're having a "jobless" recovery.
This dismal rate of job creation raises the distinct possibility that America's recovery from the latest recession may also be jobless.
Expectations for further US economic recovery brought back strength to the Dollar as reports could show jobless claims declined and consumer confidence improved, boosting demand for assets in US.
Expectations for further US economic recovery brought back strength to the Dollar as reports could show jobless claims declined and consumer confidence improved, boosting demand for assets in US.