President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress.
John Adams had a good mind and loved the United States.
John Adams was the home's first occupant, taking up residence in 1800.
It may be beautiful, but it is not how John Adams moves into the White House.
John Adams is one of the most influential people in the history of the United States.
It was observed in 1846 following the predicted locations of John Adams and Urbain Le Verrier.
Yet John Adams had a deep love for his country. He would do whatever was necessary to keep it free.
The Postal Service and HBO are teaming up to promote "John Adams" and to get people to write more letters.
Headed by Thomas Jefferson, the committee included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Philip Livingston and Roger Sherman.
John Adams once said, “During the whole time I sat with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three sentences together.”
John Adams, 1797-1801: "You will ever remember that all the end of study is to make you a good man and a useful citizen. ""
"There's John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams, then Abraham Lincoln and in the 20th century just Woodrow Wilson," he said.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison all believed men should have their own farms, and thereby be self-sustaining citizens.
As for composers, modernists like bela bartok were hieratic and formalist, and postmodernists, like John Adams, were playful and interested in deconstructing.
The campaign to encourage viewers to watch "John Adams" includes commercials on television and in movie theaters, as well as outdoor advertising and newspapers ads.
The committee, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, pressed on Jefferson the task of writing their report.
这一起草委员会由托马斯·杰佛逊、约翰·亚当斯、本杰明·富兰克林、罗杰·谢尔曼和罗伯特- R -来温斯顿组成,并由杰佛逊担当主笔。
So Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams were able to exploit the rivalry of the European powers to acquire this huge territory without either conquest or migration.
The continental congress elected Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin composed of such person, drafting committee of the American declaration of independence.
When Adams showed up at the lunch, John Hume encouraged me to go over and shake hands with him, so I did.
When the House of Representatives decided in favor of John Quincy Adams, Jackson thundered that he was the victim of a "corrupt bargain" between Adams and Henry Clay.
With John Hume's support, the White House decided to maintain contact with Adams, waiting for the moment when the march toward peace could resume.
By looking for discrepancies in Uranus's orbit, Englishman John Couch Adams and Frenchman Urbain Le Verrier each independently calculated the unseen world's mass and position.
"Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air." - John Quincy Adams.
He and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams wished to avoid trouble with Spain until it had ceded the Floridas, as was done in 1821.
He and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams wished to avoid trouble with Spain until it had ceded the Floridas, as was done in 1821.