Mr Wagoner has since ramped up Chinese operations, lining up a string of highly profitable joint-ventures and assembly operations.
A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns.
Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up to acquire business that neither could acquire alone.
The presence of multinationals also helps to develop a country's pool of skilled Labour and, when they operate in joint ventures, to disseminate new technology and ideas.
China requires foreign carmakers that want to assemble vehicles in the country to form joint ventures with Chinese carmakers.
In Japan, that kind of talk often leads to joint ventures that come back to haunt the parent companies.
Unilever dumped its joint ventures years ago, to ensure it had full control of all domestic Chinese operations.
Both sides should actively expand cooperative area and scope and strengthen support in promoting mutual investment, setting up joint ventures and encouraging cooperation between private enterprises.
China has allowed a number of companies into the market in recent years through joint ventures, with their stakes capped at about 33%.
Many analysts were baffled by GM's decision to give up control of one of fastest growing and important joint ventures.
But in late 2005, Chinese securities regulators stopped accepting new applications for foreign joint ventures, and moved to restructure the domestic industry.
China has tens of thousands of joint ventures and representative offices of foreign firms.
Do not invest in joint ventures.
Unlike other tales of Chinese joint ventures, like Beijing Jeep, this one has a happy ending.
与中国其他的合资企业——例如北京吉普(Beijing Jeep)——不同,通用中国的结局可谓皆大欢喜。
But it has done so largely from selling Hyundai and Daimler cars through joint ventures.
While some joint ventures rely on the local partner to provide some teachers, some foreign schools teach the entire program themselves.
Goldman and Morgan Stanley have abandoned their Indian joint ventures because regulations have eased, believing they can do better on their own there.
These groups are essentially joint ventures between one or more developers and various private investors, and involve millions of dollars.
Also has various other joint ventures, such as a Harbin composites manufacturing centre, and support, training and engineering facilities.
At the same time, the city owns Beijing Automotive Industry Corp., a car maker that has joint ventures with DaimlerChrysler AG and South Korea's Hyundai Motor Co.
Under special circumstances, based on the need of the social public interests, equity joint ventures may be expropriated under legal procedures and against appropriate compensation.
Foreign firms are learning from domestic retailers with which they form joint ventures.
After a false start experimenting with joint ventures with foreign firms, the group has settled on having clearly defined divisions, typically fully controlled.
After a false start experimenting with joint ventures with foreign firms, the group has settled on having clearly defined divisions, typically fully controlled.