The research was published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
This is what German researchers have successfully simulated, as reported in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
The study, published in the journal of Neural Engineering, used a new kinds of nonpenetrating microelectrodes that sit on the brain without poking into it.
Now, German researchers aim to cut that reaction time by getting drivers' brain waves to help stop the car. Their findings appear in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
The study — conducted by the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Minnesota — appears in the Oct. 28 issue of the Journal of Neural Engineering.
The rats forgot which lever to press next, said Theodore Berger, a biomedical engineering professor at USC and lead author of the study, which is published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
领导该研究的USC生物医学工程教授西奥多·博格(Theodore Berger)说,这些大鼠忘记了下一步该按哪个杠杆。该结果业已发表在《神经工程杂志》(Journal of Neural Engineering)上。
The rats forgot which lever to press next, said Theodore Berger, a biomedical engineering professor at USC and lead author of the study, which is published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
领导该研究的USC生物医学工程教授西奥多·博格(Theodore Berger)说,这些大鼠忘记了下一步该按哪个杠杆。该结果业已发表在《神经工程杂志》(Journal of Neural Engineering)上。