The Nobel medicine prize committee in Sweden said Prof Edwards' work had brought "joy to infertile people all over the world".
Of all events that can destroy engagement, joy, and productivity at work, having setbacks or being stalled in the work is number one.
The ability to return to concentration and work; the ability to rediscover interest in life, and take pleasure in it, while recognizing that present pleasure is far from past joy.
How did we get so terribly rushed in a world saturated with work and responsibility, yet somehow deprive of joy and delight?
For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.
I dont understand how the people working for these magazine find any joy in their work.
You know, my dear child, in peace, in the work is not found, it is not in joy, nor in the world or the monastery, it exists only in the human soul.
Many pros gottheir start with fanfic (and manyof them still work at it in secret), and many fanfic writers are happy toscratch their itch by working onlywith others’ universes, for the sheer joy ofit.
In school and in life, the most important motivation for work is the joy of work, the joy of getting results, and the recognition of the social value of the result.
The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.
Success is not the end, no end of life, the hardships of life in our tests did not end after the hard work we have to be a rewarding and joy without end.
I want to be a gardener, an ordinary and extraordinary career. In common with the hard work behind it is my joy and blessings in exchange for others.
As I take on this I am Avatar Blueprint of Light, as I trust and Surrender to the Divine, I am guided with joy, Love and abundance in my Service work and in my Life.
The role of a leader is to create the environment that allows people to take joy in their work, use their abilities and fulfill their potential.
The joy and the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits .
It's not the work itself that's important to them. There's such a joy in doing work well.
The joy, the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.
Friendshipe is very necessary for anyone of us. when we in need, we need a friend to help us out of difficulty . when we have made great achievements in our work, we need a friend to share our joy.
Thus, while American-type manegement often frustrates many worker, the Chinese-type manegement gives workers a joy of participation and fulfillment, and a sense of pride in their work.
I knew when the crisis feeling had not been equal to in the work was waiting for an end, I not that care about actually, instead very much is making widely known own joy and the freedom.
The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.
The issue with planets in the sixth house is to remember what the purpose of our work is, where is it's joy?
Don't be too humble. You did a good job. I think luck only played a very small part in your victory. It is solely due to your hard work and efforts. That brings honor to you and joy to us.
The joy, the moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.
In spite of all the complexity that love serves up, these keys will make short work of adding joy to your relationship.
Well I started in Brown in 1965 and it has been my pleasure and great joy not just to teach thousands of undergraduates and some graduates, but also to work one-on-one with a couple hundred of them.
Well I started in Brown in 1965 and it has been my pleasure and great joy not just to teach thousands of undergraduates and some graduates, but also to work one-on-one with a couple hundred of them.