When it comes to making decisions about innocence and guilt, the human brain ACTS as both judge and jury.
The judge and jury are not only able to listen to the witness, but also see the deponent at the same time.
Though he told me that he did not want to be "judge and jury," he had positioned himself as a singular authority.
Wardrobes do not make or break cases, they said, but Mr. Jackson's choices are an important piece of the image projected to the judge and jury who will decide his fate.
Truly, we awoke to find that Facebook had summoned a judge, jury, and executioner and carried out its swift brand of McJustice all without bothering to let us know that there was even a problem.
But for capital offences, a full commission composed of judge and military jury must still be convened to convict and sentence the defendant.
The prosecutors were complacent: they would have the judge on their side, and a jury comprised of people of property, predominantly male, middle aged, middle minded and middle class.
French was "de rigueur" for all official business, with words like "judge", "jury", "evidence" and "justice" coming in and giving John Grisham's career a kick-start.
In the absence of the evidence, judge Illston ruled that a judge or jury hearing the case should infer that the missing emails and recordings would reflect negatively on Mr. Ellison.
If the judge so chose, he (and it was always' he ') could ask a few simple questions and deliver a verdict himself without ever consulting the jury.
The jury deadlocked on a fourth count of conspiracy against the woman, Lori Drew, 49, and the judge, George H. Wu of Federal District Court, declared a mistrial on that charge.
At the start of the trial in September, the mother admitted causing or allowing the boy's death; last week the judge ordered the jury to clear the mother and Owen of murder.
But it knew this woman was about to commit murder and chose to play judge, jury, and executioner with her husband.
To perfect jury system is not only to the draw up the system, but also to overcome the unhealthy psychology of juror and professional judge in the process of trial.
He remained still and silent, ignoring questions from television crews before the judge and eight-person jury entered.
The jury was unanimous: West was found guilty of ten murders on November 22, 1995, and the judge, Mr Justice Mantell, sentenced her to life imprisonment. [Wikipedia]
You may not know it, but the judge actually had no jurisdiction in the matter, and the case will be re-tried by a jury.
After the grand jurors have been sworn, the presiding judge advises the grand jury of its obligations and how best to perform its duties.
"I'll be judge, I'll be jury, " Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death.
恶狗说: '我就是陪审员,我就是法官, 我要亲自执法审判, 我要判处你死刑!'。
The judge and the jury examine the evidence and listen to the testimony of the witnesses.
This obligation is emphasized in the oath each grand juror takes and in the charge given to the grand jury by the judge.
This obligation is emphasized in the oath each grand juror takes and in the charge given to the grand jury by the judge.