Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous.
Judging from the teacher's sharp words, it's apparent that he is not in the least satisfied with the results of the test.
I really think judging from your work in class, and the relevance and clarity of this project, you really have a good chance of getting the funding.
Judging from Kelly's and Maria's study habits, the best way to study is the way that works for you.
Judging from his appearance he seems to be rich.
Judging from the job-fair billboards, that seems an increasingly unrealistic goal.
You would think so, judging from the increasingly voluble grumbling in recent months.
Judging from the current trend, the gap between broad money supply and GDP is widening.
Judging from recent news stories and editorials, the work we do together is seen as essential.
Affluence is a pretty good deal. Judging from that map, the people of the world seem to agree.
Judging from the developer feedback I hear, you're not alone asking yourself that crucial question.
Judging from many of the collections on the runway last week, however, that is simply no longer the case.
Analysts say she got what she asked for, judging from the softball questions and respectful tone Tuesday.
Judging from the campaign so far, they certainly have the best hope in a long time of taking down a prized GRC.
And judging from our current levels of employee disengagement and distrust, America could use a new paradigm too.
It is cloaked with legends which is actually easy to understand judging from the mysterious atmosphere inside.
Judging from the nearly 1, 898 headshots posted on the website, its a pretty broad cross section of computer users.
Judging from the sighs and laments the subsequent reports have evoked, he has indeed achieved what he had set out to.
That last might not be the best approach, judging from figures released this week by Germany's Federal Statistics Office.
从德国联邦统计局(FederalStatistics Office)本周发布的数据来判断,最后这个方法可能不是最好的。
I hear that Americans can buy anything they want, and I believe it, judging from the things I’ve made for them, ” Chen said.
And judging from a recent study, which showed 35 million canines in the US are overweight, there should be no lack of canine clients.
Judging from the documentation and examples, it should be a good competitor in the less-than-crowded market of Flex application frameworks.
There is no essential difference to the relations between China and Africa judging from the principles and spirit of China's African policy.
But ZangZing built its service around those ideas, and, judging from the demo I saw, it also offers a polished, well-thought-out experience.
This was a book she had tried and rejected, but Henry had picked it up and was now about three quarters of the way through, judging from the bookmark.
Judging from the only images that show ads, most users only look at them after they have scanned through at least the first three or four search results.
Judging from the huge variety of input devices available, we put a high value on the kind of immersiveness that a good controller-to-game match can create.
"Thanks, thanks," said Monte Cristo, judging from the steward's utter prostration that he could not stretch the cord further without danger of breaking it.
"Thanks, thanks," said Monte Cristo, judging from the steward's utter prostration that he could not stretch the cord further without danger of breaking it.