Therefore, to discuss how to cognize it has some realistic meanings for judicatory practice.
But now in the judicatory practice, it is a disputed problem that how to judge whether a ship is on voyage or not.
Therefore, how to prevent the behavior confession by torture has a significant meaning to our judicatory practice.
Textual study is mainly for purpose of judicatory practice, and lays particular emphasis on the research of law application.
Whether the recognize of fire duty is litigable or not is one of most controversial focus in administrative judicatory practice.
According to the 139th item of code of civil procedure, making part-judgment is a familiar phenomenon in the judicatory practice.
The conversion of mass crime is a difficult problem in judicatory practice, as it does not bring to bear accurate theory to guide.
Seizing crime happens more and more in recent years. Because it is complex, many peradventures come out in theory and judicatory practice.
The present method of censorship and arrest in crime by taking advangate of duty now face the oppugn of the in theory and dilemma in judicatory practice.
However, limited by legislation technology, judicatory practice and social conception, this rule has been accompanied by much malpractice in its implementation.
How to define the legal character of the business promise "Decuple Penalty for Fake", this is a hot disputed problem both for theoretically and judicatory practice.
Especially under the background, a series of regulations and document issued by legislature make the people's jury system to be operative in the judicatory practice.
Criminal conciliation non-prosecution system is brought forward on the ground of evaluating western criminal conciliation system and considering our judicatory practice.
Court Legal mediation System plays a vital role in the civil action practice of China. In judicatory practice, a lot of civil and economic cases are solved through mediation.
Our country's current Law of Succession do not make out the detailed provisions on the liquidation of the inherited debts, thus causing a lot of disputes in judicatory practice.
After the perfection of the criminal law, the modified article 398 prescribed an offence, which should be ascertained as the crime of divulging state secrets in judicatory practice.
Based on the dilemma in judicatory practice, the refutable criminal presumption can be applied to the demarcation of the constitutive conditions of dangerous driving criminal behavior.
However, it still needs correct understanding and application in judicatory practice on the problems of litigation procedure, liability undertaking principle and liability limitation, etc.
The article holds that although the principle of changing of state of affairs is not stipulated in civil and commercial law in China, there is no difficulty applying it in judicatory practice.
There are no standards about plagiary in our lawmaking, which cause no concrete operation standards in practice of judicatory . It goes against protecting the right of copyrighter .
Theories field for this a newly arisen legal right concept profusion of different opinions, but cause its interactive obstacle that practice been layer after layer with judicatory.
Theories field for this a newly arisen legal right concept profusion of different opinions, but cause its interactive obstacle that practice been layer after layer with judicatory.