The applicant sought judicial review to quash the order.
The high court dismissed two claims for judicial review, dismaying McKinnon's family and supporters.
Mr Justice Ouseley turned down the three linked applications for judicial review of the decision to refuse belated planning permission for the residents, who are thought to number around 240.
The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bind-over order.
The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin-dover order.
And second, there should be some system of formal judicial review to determine whether the evidence against someone is sufficiently strong to make that person a target for assassination.
The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court.
The court ordered certiorari following judicial review quashing the order made by the juvenile court .
The court ordered certiorari following judicial review, quashing the order made by the juvenile court.
What follows is a brief sketch of the various forms of administrative procedure, which should help the reader understand the judicial review process more fully.
In 2008, 147 applications for judicial review were filed.
Handling of immigration related prosecution and litigation including cases of prosecution, petition, judicial review and tribunal hearing.
Part IV of our current operation of the power of judicial interpretation of the situation of non-standard review.
This term is actually a misnomer, because judicial review is always based upon some statutory grant of subject matter jurisdiction.
As a judicial reexamining department, the case Review Court focuses on reexamining the doubtful and difficult cases reported from the country.
The Act also contains the usual panoply of provisions on civil and criminal penalties, judicial enforcement, judicial review, hybrid rulemaking, and preemption.
In actual life, the phenomenon of abusing administrative discretionary power is existing generally in the administrative activity, and the control of judicial review is insufficient.
The preliminary task in any attempt to obtain judicial review of an agency action in the federal system is to determine the proper court in which to seek relief.
The review on the legislation of the pecuniary penalty is taken by two standards, which is the static standard of the ordinary theory and the dynamic standard of the effect of the judicial practice.
A party who comes into court prematurely is likely to be told that he has failed to exhaust her administrative remedies or that the matter is not yet ripe for judicial review.
I have also previously made clear that the court's role on judicial review is only to define the limits of legality.
Only with the above three fundamental requirements, can we say that the Judicial Review Act may have the purpose come true.
As to the judicial restriction, it lies mainly in the periods of the pretrial, trial and the review of the death penalty.
Since 1980, the authority to approve their own death penalty decisions has partly been given to local courts, so procedure for judicial review of death sentences exists in name only.
A judge in Britain has ruled that a failed asylum seeker from Uganda who says she is a lesbian can stay in the UK while a judicial review of her case takes place.
Two exceptions to the general availability of judicial review are codified in § 701 of the APA.
The first part is about the concept of judicial review standard of administrative litigation, and this part lay a foundation for further research.
Fore the above reasons, this article will take legal research in judicial review standard of administrative litigation.
Fore the above reasons, this article will take legal research in judicial review standard of administrative litigation.