Taken with the concessionary terms agreed on in July, the package gives Greece its best chance yet of emerging from the crisis.
The package of measures announced in late July calmed nerves about Greece, Ireland and Portugal, with the long-feared restructuring of Greek debt not as traumatic as had been feared.
The package assembled by the leaders of the 17 euro-zone countries on July 21st adheres firmly to this philosophy.
At a bankruptcy hearing on July 21st for LyondellBasell, a petrochemicals giant, a judge will rule on a proposed $32m remuneration package for its putative new boss, James Gallogly.
We finally agreed that I'd leave the company in July 2007 and would be paid a negotiated bonus plus an exit package.
On July 20, 1998, it has been made on the "production licenses of containers from medical packaging materials, " The certification No. is Res package rate for the first word of Zhejiang, 0100.
On July 20, 1998, it has been made on the "production licenses of containers from medical packaging materials, " The certification No. is Res package rate for the first word of Zhejiang, 0100.