At that moment, the bell rang loudly, making me jump, and Edward Cullen was out of his seat.
If the buckle fails to jump out even just once the entire seat belt and belt buckle must be replaced.
If the belt tongue fails to jump out even just once the entire seat belt and belt buckle must be replaced.
But to be honest, apart from rare moments, I am yet to jump from my seat this term.
The support member supports the child seat such that the support member can swing and jump opposite to the framework.
Until last week couriers were usually allowed to sit in the "jump seat" near the captain of the plane in order to supervise their precious cargo but that practice has now been stopped.
I have to sit in the jump seat so that I can tell the pilot if I have any thoughts on his flying.
You'll jump out of your seat as the mortars go off, the machine guns fire, and the platoon's comrades fall under enemy attack.
You'll jump out of your seat as the mortars go off, the machine guns fire, and the platoon's comrades fall under enemy attack.