Taking the movement of vertical jump in place as an example, the author clarifies the concrete method of determining "the key link" and "the weak link" in this paper.
There's a hammock they lounge on, a spot to jump rope, a place to play in the sprinkler, and an area to write with sidewalk chalk.
It is possible and sometimes advisable to "jump" to an appropriate level; should the necessary pre-requisites be in place.
In this way, application development can be jump started and work on implementing the business logic maintains its place as the primary focus of the development team.
Although hardware stays in one place, "virtual machines" consuming processing power can jump around, even between far-flung data centres.
Always do not know why so many people love to jump into the sea here, it is in such a romantic place that is the end of life to pay homage to their best.
This was a jump from third place in last year 's ranking (when it received a 2.27).
When he won the first place in the high jump, everyone patted him on the back and congratulated him.
No matter where we are, we need to behavior ourselves, we should not litter, jump the line or disturb others in the silent place.
You know that feeling you get, sometimes, in a high place, with the sudden urge to jump?
And a surge in investment helped Texas jump to 4th place in Access to Capital from 7th place in 2010.
One of them looked down and said to the other, "This is a nice cool place. Let's jump in and settle down here. ""
A link is a special text string embedded within a document. It tells how to jump to another document or to a different place in the current document.
Soon they found a deep well. One of them said to the other, "This is a nice cool place. Let's jump in and settle down here." But the other was much wiser.
Now there exists early phenomenon in the juvenile long-jump training in Shanghai. The coaches place the basic training in the first place and would like to do many kinds of exercise at the same time.
At the news that you've won the first place in the English writing competition, so excited am I that I almost jump for joy.
One of them looked down and said to the other, "This is a nice cool place. Let's jump in and settle down here."
I'd had to earn my place in that lane by swimming 400 meters in less than five minutes. Now all Angela had to do was jump in.
See far-away place, whether have light breeze to kiss, in fine threads flowed cloud to jump, if have, that certainly is I look for your eyes, being waiting for you slowly.
It may take some time to get into the place where you can make the jump, but doing this together can make you feel closer through thick and thin, and even close in danger and disaster.
登上蹦极点可能需要耗费一点时间,但是一起蹦极可以拉近两人的距离,不畏艰险同甘共苦,危险与灾难面前,更是如此。 没错,蹦极让你心跳因为恐惧而加速,但是对很多的情侣来说,这样的极限活动却意义非凡。
It may take some time to get into the place where you can make the jump, but doing this together can make you feel closer through thick and thin, and even close in danger and disaster.
登上蹦极点可能需要耗费一点时间,但是一起蹦极可以拉近两人的距离,不畏艰险同甘共苦,危险与灾难面前,更是如此。 没错,蹦极让你心跳因为恐惧而加速,但是对很多的情侣来说,这样的极限活动却意义非凡。