Now Ecuador seems ready to jump on the bandwagon.
I don't really need it, but I suppose I might as well jump on the bandwagon.
Sometimes you just can't go with the flow and jump on the bandwagon. You have to know what the wagon is.
有时你就是不能盲从, “跳上乐队彩车”。你必须知道“彩车”是到那里去。
Last time, everyone joined in as we moved along but this time, we're not going to allow anyone to jump on the bandwagon.
Film makers2 everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film.
After the latest polls I think that Green is going to win. Let's jump on the bandwagon right now and endorse the Man before we get left behind.
Fads and trends rule the day in many organizations so if Agile is perceived to be "hot", then there will be folks who will jump on that bandwagon.
This record of success is attracting more enterprises to jump on the SOA bandwagon in an effort to reap those benefits.
The big companies are starting to jump on the electric bandwagon: Nissan's all-electric Leaf and GM's dual gas-electric Volt both debut later this year.
And with so many bloggers eagerly awaiting the opportunity to jump on any bandwagon that comes along, this subtle shift in public attitude could signal a tidal wave of negativity down the road.
During the mid-1950's, Florida decided to jump on the "-rama" bandwagon by constructing a permanent international expo called the "Inter-American Center," or Interama.
Regardless, as more businesses jump on the GREEN bandwagon, salespeople who have little training or knowledge of these initiatives will be asked to carry this message to customers and prospects.
People, please keep your wits about you, don't jump on the idiotic panic buying bandwagon, don't contribute to the panic or the chaos.
Everyone wants to jump on the social media bandwagon these days, but many organizations don't have the technical know-how to do it.
According to the latest polls, let's jump on his bandwagon right now and endorse the man before we get left behind.
According to the latest polls, let's jump on his bandwagon right now and endorse the man before we get left behind.