I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again just in case.
You should keep a first-aid kit in your home just in case there is an accident.
Before you set out, always get warm clothes and raincoats ready, just in case! Even experienced travelers get lost.
Some parents now are choosing to save the cord blood, have it frozen, locked away somewhere just in case it is useful to their child later in life.
We'd better leave now, just in case.
I write a reminder a few days before the date just in case.
"I feel like this is home," he said. "But right now, I feel like I have to carry my papers, just in case."
As a result, I went out and bought a huge hunting knife and sleep with it just in case he tried anything.
Of course, we backup our LPAR before we make any changes to it, just in case.
What is the silliest item that you carry now and never use, but keep “just in case”?
They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case.
She wondered if she should run in and get a shawl as well, just in case, then decided her pride was more important.
Heading out for a first date or night on the town and want an escape, just in case?
Just in case you want to sort by another category, with events that happened all on the same day, it helps.
But just in case this is your first-ever look at JSF, I'll start with an architectural overview.
This approach, therefore, requires coding an extra loop around the interaction call just in case multiple calls are required.
Two days later, your mother and father are discussing survival, and filling jugs with water from the tap just in case.
I had a flexible schedule where I had a whole day free just in case someone wanted to spend extra time with me.
The world is once again a vibrant place food is a good thing and you’re not habitually locating the nearest toilet—just in case.
The world is once again a vibrant place, food is a good thing, and you're not habitually locating the nearest toilet-just in case.
Savvy job hunters print and carry business CARDS in a pocket or purse, just in case an appropriate opportunity arises.
I still like having measuring cups around just in case, but after a while, I just don't bother with it for some recipes.
First of all, check just in case the problem says set up but do not evaluate. Then, don't waste your time evaluating it.
Just in case a star's clothes don't draw enough coverage, brands' publicists fire off press releases the minute their star steps outside.
She also has a pen attached to her bicycle, just in case the Muse hits her in mid-pedal stroke.
So if it's a new symptom that's getting worse, Kramer suggests a doctor's visit, just in case.
Every contingency was thought of, even an ambulance and EMT unit were on hand just in case they were needed.
Customers have reported that some users like to reserve rooms well into the future just in case they may need a room someday.
'Now, just in case any of you were wondering, I never thought any of this was going to be easy, ' he said.
Just in case you're not, I've included the obvious, along with signals that are more subtle, secretive and (occasionally) downright loony.