You might get just a little bit tired out after the first few thousand kilometers, especially with all the oxygen tanks you'll have to be hauling up with you.
"If you sleep with your mouth open, she will be able to see the tooth hole," said Sammy. The class laughed. Come on! But that just gave me a great idea! "How did you get the Tooth Fairy to leave the money?"
Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker.
The punishment you have measured out to me is deserved - I do know that - well deserved - and you are right and just to be angry with me.
You don't have to throw away information, you just have to be careful what you do with it.
Just remember: If you get to be #1 in your category, but your category is too small, then you can broaden your scope—and you can do so with leverage.
You might be into GTD, but sometimes every GTDer falls behind with his system, and sometimes you just don’t have the energy to do so.
Given the high rate of project failures, you might think that companies would be happy to just have their project finish with some degree of success.
If you want to be a good dancer, just listen to the music and go with it.
Don't cancel your plans with your friend or let your friend down just because you want to be with someone you're interested in.
Maybe because you just don't want to be contacted, but If visitors do want to get in touch with you, but can't find any contact information, you lose their interest and trust.
This is your time to catch up with the person you love. If you can’t think of something wondrous and warm to say, chew on silence and just be.
Just identify the assets that need to be protected for a project, the people you work with, the documentation you need, the facility you work in, and so on.
There are times when you just want to hang with friends or even just be alone.
Think of this as a hobbyist's test project, and if you come up with a killer app for it, you might just be able to make a profit anyway.
My dream life is just to go back to my job full-time. And be with my family. You know, regular dreams, common dreams that everyone has.
These questions are just some examples of the challenges you may be faced with when trying to implement a BI project.
That doesn't mean you should give up the plan, just that you need to be prepared for the new problems with a new set of solutions.
You might already know this and be okay with it, but I just wanted to fill you in just in case you didn’t know.
Many business modeling tools enable you to simulate a process model -- something which could never be done with just a simple picture!
And that applies to much more than just writing: take the time to pare whatever you do down to the essentials, and you'll be left with something so much more amazing.
You just need to turn up to class with an open mind and be curious about what you are experiencing throughout the practice.
Associate the transactions to be tested with the group you just created.
Don't anticipate awkwardness. Just be you in that beautiful way only you know and give them the chance to smile and connect with you.
You need to be honest with yourself, because it can be frustrating to waste your time trying to build something you just can't.
So if you can just do the problem solving and get familiar enough with it that you're just good at it, so that you can do it with a reasonable speed, you're going to be fine.
So if you can just do the problem solving and get familiar enough with it that you're just good at it, so that you can do it with a reasonable speed, you're going to be fine.