He then thought if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent low enough for him to reach the kitten.
If one believes in himself, all he needs is just a little bit of luck to fulfill all his dreams.
You might get just a little bit tired out after the first few thousand kilometers, especially with all the oxygen tanks you'll have to be hauling up with you.
Doesn't that term "non-Caucasian heritage" have just a little bit to do with race?
Could such an unknown planet really be headed our way in 2012, even just a little bit?
To make this, my tongue comes up just a little bit in the back, it kind of fattens up.
We realised that just a little bit of that energy could make this process go on its own.
This isn't just pie in the sky; it could really work with just a little bit of flexibility.
We're back with nine additional tips that should make your laptop live just a little bit longer.
"It's still the illustration, it's just a little bit magical and doesn't distract from the story".
Conway拿出了一段Paddington Bear的视频作为例子,“这依然是图像,不过有点神奇,而且让你沉浸在故事中。”
The lips, as you can see, uh, they come out a little bit, and the corners come in just a little bit.
As DB2 databases grow larger, capabilities like this make the life of a DBA just a little bit easier.
随着DB 2数据库变得越来越大,类似这样的能力也只能使DBA的日子稍微好过一点。
You can't be just a little bit pregnant, but you can have a baby who's born just a little bit too early.
Nothing was changed in the distribution archives themselves, just a little bit of metadata at Cheeseshop.
We should be just a little bit cautious about how quickly we set up explicit mental well-being indicators.
But for right now, for the kind of lifestyle I want to have, monophasic sleep is just a little bit better.
Okay. I had intended to give you just a little bit of a rhythmic quiz but let's just do one of these things.
If this is your first, you may be just a little bit disappointed; if not, you're probably Shouting, "woo hoo!"
Sometimes it takes just a little bit of stress relief before you suddenly get the old creative juices flowing again.
And later articles will apply this knowledge to SPE programming in c, to make your life just a little bit easier.
At first he was just a little bit dumb, but suddenly he shouted at all of us and said there was cheating taking place.
You never know what you are capable of until you push your barriers of comfort, even if it's just a little bit each day.
Something fine and rare and sterling-------something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.
This principle also underlies another rule of effective speaking: "Dress like your audience, but just a little bit better."
And it will shift the position corporations occupy in society and possibly make us like some of them just a little bit more.
Having talked just a little bit about genres, we could conclude by saying there are other kinds of genres in music of course.
And now let's just use the little bit of physical intuition that we're thinking about here, to refine this just a little bit.
A Bitcoin is basically just a little bit of encrypted code that can be zipped over the Internet and stored in a digital wallet.
We're just a little bit more than a week into earnings season, and already some themes have started to emerge from the Numbers.
We're just a little bit more than a week into earnings season, and already some themes have started to emerge from the Numbers.