The king of Israel answered, 'Just as you say, my Lord the king. I and all I have are yours.'
That's not to say you should always choose a so-so girl over a seemingly better one, just that the so-so girl probably has things going for her as well.
当然这并不是说你总是应该选择那些看起来不怎么样的女孩,而不是那些看起来很棒的。 以上这些只是告诉你,那些看起来不怎么样的女孩,很可能也有她们自己的优点。
I just want to say the fact that you actually distinguish between the love of a, which you personified and the love of b, which you haven't personified yet, as you mentioned about the DVD player.
The incubator just gets you through the door and may coach you on what to say as you walk through.
Suffice it to say, you won't find many original ideas here, and when a successful idea comes from either company, an imitator just as quickly appears from the other.
To take just one, let's say you put in a lot of effort that tends not to show up on the corporate radar, such as mentoring younger colleagues, training new hires, and recruiting top talent.
Let's say you meet a day-older version of yourself just before you cross through the front of the gate and jump backward in time, as if you will hang around for a day to greet yourself in the past.
Knowing what to say "no" to is just as important as knowing exactly what it is that you want to get out of life.
I’d say just ask everyone you know if they’d like to be in a band. Once you get people together, try really hard to be open – minded and work as a group.
Or, you could just as effectively say, “I choose not to take any action step today.
I cannot imagine for the life of me , that after all this time and Trust anything untoward would be able to 'sneak in', so I am not really concerned …just, as you say …being vigilant.
This is also useful if someone gives you something that cost twice as much as what you gave them: Just say, "And here's your other gift!"
This is also useful if someone gives you something that cost twice as much as what you gave them: Just say, “And here's your other gift!”
Just so you know. Some people also say 'the final straw', and it means the same as' the last straw '.
And so this, in fact, when you say your computer stores information as zeros and ones, a you've just typed the capital letter a, that's all that's going on inside.
Before the guest just say "we", not "you" "they", so as to keep the internal unity.
Ask for help. Just as learning to say no, this can be hard. But if you are buried in work it may be necessary.
Without Stone to act as a go-between, you can imagine how Parker might say something just to get a network executive angry.
Like travel as free, not just say excursion drifting route. Travel is free, but you can have your own world when you travel.
When you can say to yourself, "There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon" - then, and not until then, you are indeed a surgeon.
You only listen and say back the other person's thing, step by step, just as that person seems to have it at that moment.
OK, Mom. Mom, Dad says he was the traffic jam. Say, just as what I've told you.
You should be able to tell them your strength. As for weakness, just say something which is not definitive.
Please read these carefully as meal times cannot be changed and if you arrive late I'm sorry to say you'll just go hungry.
Please read these carefully as meal times cannot be changed and if you arrive late I'm sorry to say you'll just go hungry.