Avoid the temptation to tackle fun or easy tasks first just because you like shorter lists.
Just because you like some detail or not, leave the core coding in to accommodate the various needs of the users.
A second way is also quite intuitive. You may be willing to pay more for a cashmere sweater or a small, sleek smart phone just because you like how it feels.
Like most databases, you can't just copy the file, because the copy might become corrupted.
Because what you actually measure in the lab are changes in enthalpy, just like what you measure when you look at energy change of some sort, you measure the change in energy, right.
Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things.
Because while the small village you live in is peaceful, there is little tolerance for outlandish ideas and theories like the ones that just rattled your brain.
Gas stations stock up on flowers because they know idiots like you are either going to completely forget Valentine's Day or just put off buying a gift until the very last minute.
Sharing your testimony is an essential part of your mission on earth because it is unique. There is no other story just like yours, so only you can share it.
Give books "just because" for teamwork tasks (aka chores) being well done or because you noticed them demonstrating a positive virtue like compassion.
Though you might not be, it just looked like it on your recent post because of typing in all CAPS and using so many exclamation points!!!!
You should be treated to a bit of deja vu, because it looks just like the screen in Figure 2.
They just create more dynamic community, and helps flourish because if you only have an opinion It's just my opinion and Saed's opinion, you don't like. Well, that's our opinions.
The laugh is a lot like the "wow." It's that sound you make just because you're experiencing something, just because you're having a response to what's in front of you, something someone says.
And the t on "Tweet," just so you know, should always be capitalized - because Tweeting is Important, much like the googling and facebooking we all undertake.
I just realized I went off topic a little on my blog post.. Maybe you think I did or you don't care, but the reason I go off topic is because I just love to say what I feel like saying.
Those of you, who travel by cars, please move on to the next post, because this one is just for my friends who take the bus and trains like me!
Surely, you don't just quit one because you don't like some parts of the job who doesn't!
When he liked something, it was like standing on a mountain top, not just because he liked it, but because you knew you had grown beyond your boundaries to get there.
Your life is just like a story book, because you exist in time, and time is a creation, it's all already happened.
Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up a little.
Because, just like appreciating opera, if you don't begin with the basics, you won't experience the optimum result.
Now as an aside, I'll admit this is a completely useless program, much like the first couple of ones we did because why would you write a program just to solve this?
He explains that concurrent programming is hard just like memory management because you need to balance correctness and performance.
Just because you usually surrender knowledge of implementation details when using higher-level abstractions like functional programming doesn't mean that you can't get down and dirty if you must.
Just because there is no mandatory attendance, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't treat it like a regular school.
Just because there is no mandatory attendance, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't treat it like a regular school.