We took a group down to Starmans [a farmhouse on the coast] for the weekend just to let them chill out.
I havent really done anything out of the blue. I just kind of stay chill and stay myself - that always works.
Sorry, but I am really tired. I just want to stay at home and chill out.
Keep your cool and chill out. You may get overwhelmed at times and find that there is just not sufficient time for everything.
He's been working very hard the past couple of months so I think he just needs to go on holiday and chill out for a bit.
APPRECIATE all of the offers for appearances but right now I'm just doing very few appearances (if any). I'm gonna chill out and watch my kid hit baseballs.
Keep your cool and chill out. You may get overwhelmed at times and find that there is just not sufficient time for everything.
So then we can actually be free to walk around the city and shop and go out to eat. You know, when we want to do cast dinners, it's tough because you can't just chill.
So then we can actually be free to walk around the city and shop and go out to eat. You know, when we want to do cast dinners, it's tough because you can't just chill.