The reason why a just decision would be regarded as being unjust by the public critically lies in the different cognitive model between the legal world and the living world.
A waiter's job, for example, that requires multitasking, teamwork, and decision making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work.
"Collaboration, negotiation, decision making, creativity, leadership, and increased physical activity are just some of the skills and benefits children gain through play," they wrote.
The nurse, who had just arrived to work, heard about the situation and made a decision.
The catch is: the decision is not just for the planet today and its present generations, it is also for the planet and generations to come.
A nod, he learned, was just that, and the real decision would be made over dinner.
And it is not just Texans who are irked by NASA's seemingly bizarre decision.
Test for agreement - after a short period of discussion it is useful to test to see if the team has reach a basic agreement (not always the final decision, sometimes just a way point).
Using business item instances, you can use the decision logic to dictate the flow of the process, instead of just using percentages for the branches of the decision.
You need to provide just enough information for project sponsors to make a reasonably informed decision.
The decision is just the latest in a string of setbacks for the world's oldest ruling imperial line.
Another fellow that had been with me longer and who also graduated from Stanford Business School came to me and said, “I’m just terribly shattered by your decision.
However, DOAP is more than just an XML vocabulary, which means using XSLT isn't a straightforward decision.
Getting enough sleep takes a conscious decision -and, just like any good habit, takes time to develop.
Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!
Isn't the decision to ban the books just a way of helping parents protect their children?
Your decision, just made, is the toughest decision you've had to make up until now.
You don't have to be exceptional. If you want to experience it all, you just have to make a decision, set some goals, and make it happen.
Late in the process, just prior to the purchase decision, the searcher now has a thorough understanding of specific needs, wants, and issues affecting the purchase decision.
We just made a technical decision... We told Adobe, 'If you ever have this thing running fast, come back and show us.'
With every turn of the page, I felt Mia's decision lurking just around the corner.
According to Weitz, this is why Microsoft decided to brand Bing as a 'decision engine' and not just as a search engine.
In other words, they completely failed to see her "behavior" as having any meaningful connection with the decision they had just made on the guessing game; they saw no "signs" there.
If you want to experience it all, you just have to make a decision, set some goals, and make it happen.
If you want to experience it all, you just have to make a decision, set some goals, and make it happen.