After all, by continuing to pile riches on the narrow winners, the taxpayers are not getting the maximum bang for their buck if the close losers are performing just as well or even better.
RAEBURN: Well, just to muddy the waters even further, we were - as you might imagine, this was subject of a lot of discussion around the office this week, this morning as well.
His family and friends had noticed this as well, but when they tried to get him to seek treatment, he just put them on his blacklist of people to avoid (and get even with).
The article mentions a 2007 study in which researchers found that low- and midcost shoes within the same brand cushioned runners' feet just as well as high-cost ones -- sometimes even better.
Today, automation is having an impact not just on routine work, but on cognitive and even creative tasks as well.
I remembered well how difficult it had been for me, when I first came to town, to do something as simple as pay my electric bill, send money or letters home, or even just buy a countertop stove.
So he as well as myself and, I think, even Phil feels we have a team and it's not just Kobe and the guys.
Just, even if fall to the ground efflorescence, haughty air four king Yeses of that extremely conceited can't be her that stub to spend as well.
Considering all of the financial and cultural advantages people get just because they are married, it becomes even more striking that single people are doing as well as they are.
We are defending well and even though we have players out injured, others are coming in and doing just as good a job.
“ ”我们有很好的防守,我们有些伤员,但顶替上去的球员表现的一样好。
Hardware wise, you just have to worry even less. The developer of the main chip is someone we have had solid cooperation with for long, RF as well.
Hardware wise, you just have to worry even less. The developer of the main chip is someone we have had solid cooperation with for long, RF as well.